Netdata Agent for windows server


As per the document i have installed the agent in the linux machine and configured windows server using wmi. The data are getting pushed to

The problem is windows server metrics are merged along with the the linux server where wmi is configured.

Is it possible to shows the windows server as a additional node in the or the linux client.

Hey @shyam.soundar,

Regarding your question about Windows support, we just posted a blog-post about monitoring windows with Netdata. I hope you find it illuminating: How to monitor Windows systems with Netdata - Netdata


Good question. Each job should create a different set of charts.

What will happen if i add one more windows server in the jobs? it will consolidate and show the metrics or it will be two different metrics.

hi @shyam.soundar,

In order to do that, you would need to install a netdata agent to a machine, and enable ONLY the WMI collector, disabling explicitly all the other collectors.

You can read about disabling plugins in our documentation.

Welcome to our community :relaxed:

Hello @OdysLam ,
I am missing something on getting my windows host in the dashboard. I have installed windows-exporter (v1.16) on my machine, altered go.d.conf to not all modules and altered also wmi.conf. See below

bash-5.0# grep -v '^#' /etc/netdata/go.d/wmi.conf
  update_every: 5
  autodetection_retry: 30
  priority: 70000

  - name: HYPER-V


bash-5.0# grep -v '^#' /etc/netdata/go.d.conf

enabled: no

default_run: yes

max_procs: 0

  whoisquery: yes
  wmi: yes

I have restared but nothing shows in the nodes tab . What am I doing wrong ?

Hi, @leijonatm.

Let’s change it to yes. As it is now - go.d.plugin is disabled.

Hello @ilyam8,
I changed it

bash-5.0# grep -v "^#" go.d.conf 
enabled: yes
default_run: yes
max_procs: 0
  whoisquery: yes
  wmi: yes

but no joy. I have restarted also the container of the agent of course.

Could anyone else help me? Why is this so difficult. I am experiencing the same with the vSphere settings. I can see in the logs that netdata reads the VMs in the ESXi infra but nothing gets displayed in the dashboard …

Can you share the logs?

Check Troubleshooting section, it is the same process for all go collectors:

  • switch to netdata user
  • run the plugin in the debug mode
cd usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d

sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata

# wmi collector
./go.d.plugin -d -m wmi

# vsphere collector
./go.d.plugin -d -m vsphere

If the debug output is not clear for you, post it here and I will try to find the problem.