

OS: Linux, FreeBSD

TCP reset is an abrupt closure of the session. It causes the resources allocated to the connection to be immediately released and all other information about the connection to be erased.

The Netdata Agent monitors the average number of received TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. This can indicate that the system is trying to establish a connection to a server port on which no process is listening. This can also indicate a SYN reset attack.

See more about TCP Resets

TCP uses a three-way handshake to establish a reliable connection. The connection is full duplex, and both sides synchronize (SYN) and acknowledge (ACK) each other. The exchange of these four flags is performed in three steps: SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK

When an unexpected TCP packet arrives at a host, that host usually responds by sending a reset packet back on the same connection. A reset packet is one with no payload and with the RST bit set in the TCP header flags. There are a few circumstances in which a TCP packet might not be expected. The most common cases are:

  1. A TCP packet received in a non-existed TCP PORT

  2. An aborting connection

  3. Half opened connections

  4. Time wait assassination

  5. Listening endpoint Queue is Full

  6. A TCP Buffer Overflow

Basically, A TCP Reset usually occurs when a system receives data which doesn’t agree with its view
of the connection.

References and source:
  1. TCP reset explanation
  2. TCP 3-way handshake on wikipedia

Troubleshooting section:

General approach

Try using Wireshark to inspect the network packets.

Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting,
analysis, software and communications protocol development.

See more about Wireshark here

Since you might won’t be able to probe your traffic with wireshark in your host machine, You can
export it in a dump file and analyze it in a second iteration.

  1. Try to export the traffic in your host with tcpdump.

    root@netdata # tcpdump -i any 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-rst) == (tcp-rst)' -s 65535 -w output.pcap

    You must stop the capture after a certain observation period (60s up to 5 minutes). This command will create a dump file which can be interpreted by Wireshark that contains all the TCP packets with RST flag set.

  2. Copy this file in your workstation and examine it with Wireshark.

Counter measure on malicious TCP resets

SYN cookie is a technique used to resist IP address spoofing attacks. In particular, the use of SYN cookies allows a server to avoid dropping connections when the SYN queue fills up.

Enable SYN cookies in Linux
  1. Check if your system has the SYN cookies service enabled

    root@netdata # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies 

    If the value is 1, then the service is enabled, if not proceed to step 2.

  2. Bump this net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 value under /etc/sysctl.conf

  3. Apply the configuration

    root@netdata # sysctl -p to apply the configuration.
Enable SYN cookies in FreeBSD
  1. Check if your system has the SYN cookies service enabled

    root@netdata # sysctl net.inet.tcp.syncookies_only 

    If the value is 1, then the service is enabled, if not proceed to step 2.

  2. Bump this net.inet.tcp.syncookies_only=1 value under /etc/sysctl.conf

  3. Apply the configuration

    root@netdata~ # /etc/rc.d/sysctl reload

The use of SYN cookies does not break any protocol specifications, and therefore should be compatible with all TCP implementations. There are, however, a few caveats that take effect when SYN cookies are in use.