I followed the guide on the youtube chanel of Netdata but this alarm doesn’t work:
alarm: cpu_temp
on: sensors.temp_thermal_zone0_thermal_thermal_zone0
lookup: average -3s percentage foreach user,system
units: %
every: 10s
warn: $this >50
crit: $this >75
info: CPU temperature monitoring.
I would like to monitor the temperature of my cpu.
Please help a noob out
is “sensors.temp_thermal_zone0_thermal_thermal_zone0” what you see like in here:
just in case its a small typo or anything as “sensors.temp_thermal_zone0_thermal_thermal_zone0” looks a bit funny to me.
another way to check chart name is correct might be to see if you can see data at the endpoint for that chart:
Hello Andrew,
Thanks for your answer.
The chart name I see is sensors.temp_thermal_zone0_thermal_thermal_zone0
When I check myIPadress:19999 this is my output:
I’ve created a file called cpu_temp.conf withing the health.d directory:
This is my improved code for the alarm:

Alarm still doesn’t work 
Hope you can try to help me again now I have given you some more information.
Kind regards,
Hey, try to change the line to
lookup: average -1m unaligned
alarm: cpu_temp
on: sensors.temp_thermal_zone0_thermal_thermal_zone0
lookup: average -1m unaligned
units: %
every: 10s
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (45) : (50))
crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (50) : (75))
info: CPU temperature monitoring.
This worked for me 