random install to either /etc/netdata or /opt/netdata/etc/netdata

With that exact set of options, you actually should be getting a fatal error about the use of --install-prefix without --build-only (we are only able to support custom install prefixes when building locally).

If you just want things under /opt, you can achieve that by forcing use of a static build using the --static-onlyoption (without the --install-prefix option), or by adding --build-only to the list of options you’re passing the kickstart script.

If you just want things under /, you can enforce that by either:

  • Ensuring the systems in question have a working internet connection and can reliably access (note though that this will change to at some point within the next few months), and then using the --native-only option without any --install-prefix option. This will use native DEB packages, allowing you to manage updates with APT.


  • Using --build-only to build locally, without using any --install-prefix option.

As far as why you’re seeing this inconsistent behavior, my guess is that you’ve got issues with your internet connection that are preventing reliable access to If that access happens to work, you end up with a native package (which installs under /), if it fails at any of about half a dozen points during the install the installer will instead fall back to a static build (which installs under /opt/netdata).