Hello, I have a question about netdata collected metrics and showing them in local environment. Each time is the machine (Ubuntu) restarted or netdata process correctly stopped/started or restarted after nightly update, metrics are displayed only from that moment, not historical data before restart. But when I open netdata locally on :19999 port, I can see, that there are metrics and historical data collected on the first page, I can see them on the machine in /var/cache. Configuration is by default, I did not make any personal changes. I tried to downgrade to stable channel and then stop process, start process and then there was just a gap in the metrics, but loaded till last available data, which was today, after I maked restart of the netdata service.
Hi, thanks for the fast reply. I can confirm, that I have actually this version v2.1.0-163 (see on screenshot), which was upgraded today at 2PM and few minutes, as you can see on the second screenshot. When I now stop/start process, there is just a gap in metrics, which is perfect and expected behavior.
But now I cant see all the historical data before that moment, it is not showing them. Will the data be reloaded or are just lost?