Netdata - Empty Data in charts after Update, correct stop/start/restart process or server.

Hello, I have a question about netdata collected metrics and showing them in local environment. Each time is the machine (Ubuntu) restarted or netdata process correctly stopped/started or restarted after nightly update, metrics are displayed only from that moment, not historical data before restart. But when I open netdata locally on :19999 port, I can see, that there are metrics and historical data collected on the first page, I can see them on the machine in /var/cache. Configuration is by default, I did not make any personal changes. I tried to downgrade to stable channel and then stop process, start process and then there was just a gap in the metrics, but loaded till last available data, which was today, after I maked restart of the netdata service.

Nightly update:

Missing data, empty charts till history:

Graphs after downgrade to Stable channel and tries stop/start netdata process (just gaps):

Stable channel:

Hi. It was a bug. It should be fixed in v2.1.0-163.

Hi, thanks for the fast reply. I can confirm, that I have actually this version v2.1.0-163 (see on screenshot), which was upgraded today at 2PM and few minutes, as you can see on the second screenshot. When I now stop/start process, there is just a gap in metrics, which is perfect and expected behavior.

But now I cant see all the historical data before that moment, it is not showing them. Will the data be reloaded or are just lost?

The data still exists on the disk but can’t be accessed because Netdata removed the metadata needed to retrieve it. So, it is lost, yes.