api and netdata.conf is working.
but dashboard is not and i getting some oddity in the logs.
“GET / HTTP/2.0” 200 12123 “-” “-” 607096 “netdata-https@docker” “” 3ms
“GET /dashboard-react.js HTTP/2.0” 404 19 “-” “-” 607099 “traefik-dashboard@docker” “-” 0ms
“GET /static/css/main.53ba10f1.chunk.css HTTP/2.0” 200 2487 “-” “-” 607098 “netdata-https@docker” “” 2ms
“GET /static/css/2.c454aab8.chunk.css HTTP/2.0” 200 9948 “-” “-” 607097 “netdata-https@docker” “” 7ms
“GET /static/js/main.7d1bdca1.chunk.js HTTP/2.0” 200 164265 “-” “-” 607101 “netdata-https@docker” “” 12ms
“GET /static/js/2.92ca8446.chunk.js HTTP/2.0” 200 1480753 “-” “-” 607100 “netdata-https@docker” “” 215ms
whats up with the /dashboard-react.js ?
anyone facing the same issue?