Centralize the truth of your infrastructure with alarm notifications

Centralize the truth of your infrastructure with alarm notifications

We’re happy to announce a new major step toward centralizing how Netdata Cloud users view and react to anomalies or incidents on any node in their infrastructure. Centralized alarm notifications are now available for every Netdata Cloud user or team, for free, regardless of the number of users or nodes.

:arrow_right: Read more about it in our blog.

Netdata Agent v1.27

Performance Increases

We migrated host, chart, and dimension metadata to SQLite to reduce the memory footprint of the Agent itself and make it launch faster. A new extent cache also improves query time by 10% under certain workloads and reduces disk I/O by 10%.

Time & date picker

The new time & date picker helps you select precise timeframes for deep analysis, whether you’re working alone or in a team. Get aligned, drill down, and start managing incidents faster.

Anomaly detection

The Netdata Agent is now capable of unsupervised anomaly detection. The anomalies collector runs a train function that learns what “normal” looks like on your node, followed by a predict function to apply trained ML models against recent metrics to produce charts for anomaly probability per configured chart/dimension (0 = no anomaly, 1 = active anomaly) and the volume of active anomalies.

:arrow_right: Read more about the release on our blog.

Community Contributions

  1. @ernestojpg for adding support for MSE (Massive Storage Engine) to the varnish collector.
  2. @jurgenhaas for adding allocated space metrics to the oracledb collector.
  3. @autoalan for fixing a spelling mistake in the haproxy collector README.
  4. @ysamouhos for fixing a spelling mistake in UPDATE.md.
  5. @voriol for fixing the Ansible deployment guide.
  6. @scatenag for adding an option to exclude zero memory allocated users to the nvidia_smi collector.
  7. @fayak for adding per queue charts to the rabbitmq collector.
  8. @atnartur for fixing Markdown syntax in the custom dashboard documentation.
  9. @alexmyczko for removing redundant build dependencies from Debian control file.
  10. @KickerTom for fixing compilation with HTTPS disabled.
  11. @hexchain for fixing a database endless loop bug when cleaning obsolete charts.
  12. @wash2 for fixing the libreswan collector parsing.
  13. @Saruspete for fixing a platform dependent printf format.
  14. @KickerTom for fixing an eBPF cross compilation error and updating libnetdata headers to be compatible with C++.
  15. @WBTMagnum for fixing typos in the README.md.
  16. @Jiab77 for adding support to hide the SSO iframe.
  17. @martinpal for adding HBA drives support to the hpssa collector.
  18. @hamedbrd for fixing response and upstream response time histogram charts in the web_log collector.
  19. @hamedbrd for adding custom time fields feature to the web_log collector.
  20. @ski2per for adding directories size collection to the filecheck collector.