child-parent setup not working - child cannot claim token - token expired / not found or invalid

Hey there,

All my servers are running Ubuntu 18, 20 or 22 LTS versions. The below is specifically about Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, with the nightly builds of netdata running.

I have a working parent setup that accepts streaming for a uuidgen generated API Key. I say “working”, because the parent is streaming to…

I have a production server that was connected directly to, and since it is production, I wanted to introduce first one and then later two or even three parents - so that I have a better handle on data retention and so that I can lesser the burden of netdata on the child system.

When I install netdata from the Room I want the server to show up in, netdata works (of course!). When I then reconfigure it to stream via the parent, netdata starts and stops within one second:

root@divine-meadow:/var/log/netdata# systemctl restart netdata
root@divine-meadow:/var/log/netdata# systemctl status netdata
● netdata.service - Real time performance monitoring
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/netdata.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2023-11-24 06:05:06 UTC; 2s ago
    Process: 6290 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/netdata -D $EXTRA_OPTS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 6290 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 31ms

Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: All threads finished.
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: DIGEST-MD5 common mech free
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in     100 ms, cancel main threads - next: close SQL con
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in       0 ms, close SQL context db - next: closed SQL m
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in       0 ms, closed SQL main db - next: remove pid file
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: EXIT: cannot unlink pidfile '/var/run/netdata/'.
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in       0 ms, remove pid file - next: free openssl stru
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in       0 ms, free openssl structures - next: remove in
Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: in       0 ms, remove incomplete shutdown file - next: e>Nov 24 06:05:06 divine-meadow netdata[6290]: NETDATA SHUTDOWN: completed in 100 ms - netdata is now exiting - bye bye...

I’ll attach my parent and child configs.

I would like to receive some help with this issue, as I have the need to monitor my production environment.

Thank you and best regards,

Parent Setup:


    access log = none
    mode = dbengine
    storage tiers = 3
    # To allow memory pressure to offload index from ram
    dbengine page descriptors in file mapped memory = yes
    # storage tier 0
    update every = 1
    dbengine multihost disk space MB = 12000
    dbengine page cache size MB = 1400
    # storage tier 1
    dbengine tier 1 page cache size MB = 512
    dbengine tier 1 multihost disk space MB = 4096
    dbengine tier 1 update every iterations = 60
    dbengine tier 1 backfill = new
    # storage tier 2
    dbengine tier 2 page cache size MB = 128
    dbengine tier 2 multihost disk space MB = 2048
    dbengine tier 2 update every iterations = 60
    dbengine tier 2 backfill = new
    # Enabled by default
    # enabled = yes
    # Enabled by default
    # enabled = yes
    # Enabled by default
    ssl key = /etc/nginx/ssl/
    ssl certificate = /etc/nginx/ssl/
    tls version = 1.3
    tls ciphers = TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
    bind to = *=dashboard|registry|badges|management|streaming|netdata.conf^SSL=force


    # Stream metrics to another Netdata
    enabled = yes
    # The Private IP and PORT of all parents
    destination = PARENT_2_IP_ADDRESS:19999
    # This is the API key for the outgoing connection to Parent 2 as generated in Step 5
    api key = f2b6d8cf-4c88-431c-a3d5-f0225d5adeed
    # Accept metrics streams from Parent 2 and Child Agents
    enabled = yes

Child setup:


    # none = no retention, ram = some retention in ram
    mode = ram
    # The retention in seconds.
    # This provides some tolerance to the time the child has to find a parent in
    # order to transfer the data. For IoT this can be lowered to 120.
    retention = 1200
    # The granularity of metrics, in seconds.
    # You may increase this to lower CPU resources.
    update every = 1
    # Disable Machine Learning
    enabled = no
    # Disable Health Checks (Alerting)
    enabled = no
    # Disable remote access to the local dashboard
    bind to = lo
    # Uncomment the following line to disable all external plugins on extreme
    # IoT cases by default.
    # enable running new plugins = no


    # Stream metrics to another Netdata
    enabled = yes
    # The IP and PORT of the parent
    destination =
    # The shared API key, generated by uuidgen
    api key = f2b6d8cf-4c88-431c-a3d5-f0225d5adeed

Hey there,

Is there anybody in the community who could help me out with this, please? I’m surely not the first to try and make parent-child connections work even via TLS?!

Hi @Guus

Could you please share the error.log of the node that stops after starting? There could be something there.

The EXIT: cannot unlink pidfile '/var/run/netdata/'. seems weird, but might not be related to the restart.

Hey @Manolis_Vasilakis,

I’ll work on this today / this evening. But I do thank you for getting back to me!

Best regards,