How to stop monitoring docker0 network interface

How can I stop monitoring the docker0 interface on one of my devices? Having it monitored is giving me inaccurate throughput numbers, because data ‘received’ from the docker interface is then sent by the physical interface, and vice versa.

Another option would be to allow netdata to monitor docker0, but to not include it in the aggregate network metrics. The intent of the aggregate network metrics is clearly for physical interfaces.


Hi, @CablingOptional.

  1. Open netdata.conf.
  2. Go to [plugin:proc:/proc/net/dev]
  3. Uncomment and add docker0 to disable by default interfaces matching.
  4. Restart netdata.
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Total Physical is “Network->Total Traffic”.

Also, you can filter out virtual network interfaces using the “labels” selector. Select interface_type → real.