

OS: Any

This alert presents the average I/O latency over the last 10 seconds.

  • I/O latency is the time that is required to complete a single I/O operation on a block device.
    If this alert is raised, it might indicate that your disk is under high load, or that the disk is slow.

Troubleshooting Section

Check related charts to find your case
  • First, you need to identify whether your disk is under high load or not.

    1. Go to your node on the Netdata Cloud, on the Disks section, and select the disk you want to

    1. On the top of the page you can see the utilization of the disk, and you can also go to the Disk I/O Bandwidth chart. There you can see the amount of transferred data to and from the particular disk.

  • If the utilization is low and there isn’t a significant amount of data being transferred, your
    drive’s latency is slow, so you need to upgrade that drive. (If it is an HDD, then an SSD would be a significant upgrade for latency issues.)

  • If there is a high load on the drive, it usually means that one or more processes are heavily utilizing the drive.