I would like to archive the data, that is collected by Netdata for about two years, with full granularity.
Since I am aware, that Netdata is not intended for this, (and that my use case is a bit scuffed) I have developed the following workaround:
I have two Netdata Docker containers.
One collects all of the Data, the other one may be used to selectively view part of the archived data.
The Data is archived by a cron job, that periodically moves the .ndf and .njf files from the collection node to a magnetic tape.
There is a script, that may be used to restore old files, for a certain time frame. These files are copied to a directory, that is mounted to the viewer container.
My Problem:
The viewer container deletes the .ndf and .njf files on startup.
Attempted fixes:
I have given both containers the same /var/lib/netdata/registry/netdata.public.unique.id
I theorized, that both containers having different UIDs may be causing the Problem. However giving both the same one has not fixed this.
Does anyone have further ideas?