Monitoring CPU Temps on RPiX

Thanks for sharing that @rodrigo2. Being the version the same the only thing that comes to my mind then is checking that the plugin is enabled on the RPi-1 - not sure why it would have been disabled all of sudden

Please check both:

If all looks good you can try to run the collector in debug mode - Linux machine sensors collector | Learn Netdata

Let us know what you found.

Not sure what to do…

Output of ./edit-config python.d/sensors.conf:

# netdata python.d.plugin configuration for sensors
# This file is in YaML format. Generally the format is:
# name: value

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global Variables
# These variables set the defaults for all JOBs, however each JOB
# may define its own, overriding the defaults.

# update_every sets the default data collection frequency.
# If unset, the python.d.plugin default is used.
# update_every: 1

# priority controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
# Lower numbers move the charts towards the top of the page.
# If unset, the default for python.d.plugin is used.
# priority: 60000

# penalty indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
# Penalty will increase every 5 failed updates in a row. Maximum penalty is 10 minutes.
# penalty: yes

# autodetection_retry sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
# The job is not deleted if check fails.
# Attempts to start the job are made once every autodetection_retry.
# This feature is disabled by default.
# autodetection_retry: 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Limit the number of sensors types.
# Comment the ones you want to disable.
# Also, re-arranging this list controls the order of the charts at the
# netdata dashboard.

  - temperature
  - fan
  - voltage
  - current
  - power
  - energy
  - humidity

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Limit the number of sensors chips.
# Uncomment the first line (chips:) and add chip names below it.
# The chip names that start with like that will be matched.
# You can find the chip names using the sensors command.

#  - i8k
#  - coretemp
# chip names can be found using the sensors shell command
# the prefix is matched (anything that starts like that)


Output of ./edit-config go.d.conf:

# netdata go.d.plugin configuration
# This file is in YAML format.

# Enable/disable the whole go.d.plugin.
enabled: yes

# Enable/disable default value for all modules.
default_run: yes

# Maximum number of used CPUs. Zero means no limit.
max_procs: 0

# Enable/disable specific g.d.plugin module
# If you want to change any value, you need to uncomment out it first.
# IMPORTANT: Do not remove all spaces, just remove # symbol. There should be a space before module name.
#  activemq: yes
#  apache: yes
#  bind: yes
#  chrony: yes
#  cockroachdb: yes
#  consul: yes
#  coredns: yes
#  couchbase: yes
#  couchdb: yes
#  dnsdist: yes
#  dnsmasq: yes
#  dnsmasq_dhcp: yes
#  dns_query: yes
#  docker: yes
#  docker_engine: yes
#  dockerhub: yes
#  elasticsearch: yes
#  envoy: yes
#  example: no
#  filecheck: yes
#  fluentd: yes
#  freeradius: yes
#  haproxy: yes
#  hdfs: yes
#  httpcheck: yes
#  isc_dhcpd: yes
#  k8s_kubelet: yes
#  k8s_kubeproxy: yes
#  lighttpd: yes
#  logind: yes
#  logstash: yes
#  mongodb: yes
#  mysql: yes
#  nginx: yes
#  nginxplus: yes
#  nginxvts: yes
#  ntpd: yes
#  nvme: yes
#  nvidia_smi: no
#  openvpn: no
#  openvpn_status_log: yes
#  ping: yes
#  pgbouncer: yes
#  phpdaemon: yes
#  phpfpm: yes
#  pihole: yes
#  pika: yes
#  portcheck: yes
#  postgres: yes
#  powerdns: yes
#  powerdns_recursor: yes
#  prometheus: yes
#  pulsar: yes
#  rabbitmq: yes
#  redis: yes
#  scaleio: yes
#  snmp: yes
#  solr: yes
#  springboot2: yes
#  squidlog: yes
#  supervisord: yes
#  systemdunits: yes
#  tengine: yes
#  traefik: yes
#  unbound: yes
#  vernemq: yes
#  vcsa: yes
#  vsphere: yes
#  web_log: yes
#  wireguard: yes
#  whoisquery: yes
#  windows: yes
#  x509check: yes
#  zookeeper: yes

No mention for sensors or temperatures.
And on RPi-2 (for which Netdata does show a temperature) - no “sensors” entry as well.

Tried to add manually:

Must admit that editing by edit-config is absolutely not intuitive & friendly.
Have no idea how to save changes.
Only managed to leave the editor by pressing Ctrl-Z.

Managed to save changes (using vi), restarted Netdata then (docker restart netdata).
And still no “Sensors” section in web interface.

Ran ./edit-config go.d.conf, the added sensors: yes is there, but no positive effect.

Hi @rodrigo2 ,

Sorry if this wasn’t clear, this page as an example of how to check the configs on a orchestrator collector, these can be go.d, python.d, etc.

So for the sensors you should check the python.d.conf

Ran ./edit-config python.d.conf.
It has this:

# sensors: yes

Restarted: docker restart netdata
But still no sensors.

I believe we will need to move this into a bug report, could you please open one here and add as many details as you can? (probably even looking to error logs).