Netdata for PostgreSQL monitoring

Hi everyone!

Netdata for PostgreSQL monitoring just got a huge upgrade, now collecting 100+ PostgreSQL metrics and displaying these across 60+ different composite charts. You can check the reference documentation below for the full list of metrics, and see them running in the live demo space. If you are using PostgreSQL in production, it is crucial that you monitor it for potential issues. And the more comprehensive the monitoring the better!

Make sure to check the following resources to learn every detail about the new and improved PostgreSQL collector:

Comprehensive use case blog post - PostgreSQL monitoring with Netdata
Reference documentation - PostgreSQL monitoring with Netdata | Learn Netdata
Demo space running real-time PostgreSQL metrics - Netdata Cloud

We’re always looking into getting more feedback on how this works for you, so make sure to share all the love (or hate) in this discussion! :blush: :grimacing:

Have a good one and happy monitoring! :100:

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