I experiment with the addition of pg_stat_statements metrics to monitor queries to PostgreSQL in Netdata (python.d/postgres plugin), and I have some difficulties with adding the new charts.
In fact, I can now add Top-1 metrics (e.g., max total time)
How is the progress of this feature? It would be really useful for our project. Even just the Top-1 metrics would be more than enough for us.
Unfortunately I can’t really help you with the question but couldn’t you take inspiration from existing collectors that does the same thing like the Applications > CPU chart?
Hello, guys. Somehow I missed this topic @Vitaliy_Kukharik my suggestion is to create a PR with your changes. I have no real experience with Postgres, but I can tag some people on GitHub who has.
As for a chart with queryid dimensions - I understand that we need to add a dimension to the chart is there is a new entry in that table. But do we need to remove them?