Please explain the advanced usage of the v3 API.

  1. RAM data per server: free, used, cached, buffers
  2. CPU data per server: % (out of total usage)
  3. Disk data per server: mount

Currently, the requests are made individually as shown below, but I want to retrieve all the desired data through a single API request (in one line):

  1. http://ip:port/api/v3/data?group_by=node,dimension&contexts=system.ram
  2. http://ip:port/api/v3/data?group_by=node,percentage%20of%20instance&contexts=system.cpu&aggregation=sum
  3. http://ip:port/api/v3/data?group_by=node,instance&
In the photo, the Node is displayed as "mg." Is there a way to make it appear as "nm"?