This is how it looks on safari, I’m hoping this isn’t how it’s supposed to see because what I actually need to see is barely visible at all.
Hello @tmikaeld, thank you for your interest in Netdata.
Are you referring to the charts, Total CPU utilization
and ram available
Yes, that’s the only thing I want to see here, not huge buttons or text (which should be small).
I think there is a misunderstanding about these charts, this isn’t the purpose of the nodes tab. In this tab you inspect only the node’s availability, node details etc. These charts are just to keep an eye for maxed out utilization of a resource, and you can say oh this node has a 100% CPU utilization let me check on that.
If you want to have a quick overview on nodes metrics you should either use the overview tab (System overview subsection)
or (mostly advised), create a dashboard only for the metrics you want to have a quick overview in your war room.