Since upgrading to V2 agent my Logs are no longer working. If I click logs and wait a while I get
Error - 504
Timeout while waiting for a response from the plugin that serves this features
systemd-journal.plugin sits at approximately 30% of 1 CPU after the first time I click on the logs panel , but no disk activity indicating it is indexing logs etc.
After clicking on the logs panel the CPU consumption continues until I restart the Netdata container.
This was working fine until I upgraded to agent v2
Server info Ubuntu, 22.04.4 LTS 16GB of Ram, 8Cpu.
Netdata version v2.0.0-18-nightly, Business Subscription.
Running in container (as root) with docker-compose, pretty much the default docker.compose.yaml, including bind mounts to /var/log etc.
Anyone else seeing this with the latest builds?