UDP port monitoring

is it possible to add a UDP port monitor? I’ve looked through the documentation and google, but the best I could come up with is a ~7y old github issue saying that “we” should have generic protocol support. Specifically:

we don’t have a plugin for this, but it is a nice request.

Ideally, we should have a plugin to accept jobs like this:

   url: 'http://ip:port/path' or 'https://ip:port/path' or 'tcp://ip:port' or 'udp://ip:port',

ref: Simple way to monitor lan network services availability? · Issue #2921 · netdata/netdata · GitHub

I’ll admit I can sometimes be obtuse/fail at google, forums, reddit searching so please lmk if I’ve failed miserably :slight_smile:

Hi, @enkaskal. No, it is not possible. Could you elaborate on “UDP port monitor”? Monitor what?

Unlike TCP, UDP is stateless. This means you cannot “ping” a UDP port by sending a SYN packet and expecting an ACK (as we do for TCP ports).