Trying to integrate Netdata inside a Go application using a reverse proxy.
But i get a lot ot 404 Not found for the static files, do you have any ideas how to get this to work?
I’ve tried modifying the path on the request but no luck.
Following the guide at:
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 200 | 3.451652ms | ::1 | GET “/netdata/”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 59.437µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/css/2.4fcfa1d7.chunk.css”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 7.519µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/css/main.55d36738.chunk.css”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 4.486µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/images/netdata-logomark.svg”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 4.089µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/dashboard-react.js”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 3.862µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/js/main.5d949251.chunk.js”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 4.07µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/js/2.20233c1e.chunk.js”
okt 20 07:48:40 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:40 | 404 | 7.755µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/dashboard-react.js”
okt 20 07:48:41 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:41 | 404 | 9.675µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/js/2.20233c1e.chunk.js”
okt 20 07:48:41 poc [16466]: [GIN] 2020/10/20 - 07:48:41 | 404 | 6.3µs | ::1 | GET “/netdata/static/js/main.5d949251.chunk.js”
This is inspired by the guide at Netdata via apache's mod_proxy | Learn Netdata but we would like to use a Go application instead.