Thanks for Netdata. It is great with lots of monitoring (and alerts) options.
I want to see if I can deploy netdata on some virtualised servers and create a central machine to store the metrics on as well as host all visualisations. All these machines have no internet access.
What steps do I need to take to make this process as efficient as possible?
I need to compile/create an offline-package that I can distribute to each node (headless collector). The nodes should only stream data to a central server.
The package should be customised with the collectors i need.
I need to create an offline-package for the server that hosts the metrics database and receives the streamed data from all nodes.
Is a central registry the same as a streaming server? Registry | Learn Netdata Or how does this fit in with everything else? =)
Can the central server (parent node?) also run all alarms instead of each vm? This would make this much easier too.
I want to be able to update the packages, so hopefully there is a way to automate the process somewhat. (i.e. bash script that runs git clone,, etc).
Most of the machines run Alpine or Ubuntu Linux, with a few Windows servers. I can use a developement workstation with Alpine to compile netdata from sources. This works well in my testing, at least for the single host.
The parent netdata node then allows you to store/see charts for children as well. This is not as full featured as netdata cloud but should do.
Parent node can run alarms. You can make children headless (as you noticed already) and make only parent store the data.
I want to be able to update the packages, so hopefully there is a way to automate the process somewhat. (i.e. bash script that runs git clone,, etc).
This again depends on your distribution of choice and/or some admin/management solution used.
Currently netdata itself is “read-only” monitoring solution and does not provide tools for remote administration of your servers.
Can I simply zip the /opt/netdata directory and redistribute it (assuming i set up appropiate dependencies on the nodes first), and then create a systemd and openrc init scripts to launch it?
Then I wonder about the Registry | Learn Netdata registry bits. How does that fit into the overall netdata. Is this needed when I host all nodes/childrens data on the one parent?
Don’t think only copying the /opt/netdata will work as AFAIK we also install the systemd unit files, create netdata user etc.
What I would probably do is take a look at your distribution and how it creates the “netdata” package. Its open source right? Then modify it as you wish to build custom package?
There are netdata packages for both Ubuntu and Alpine, but they do not include everything that I get when I compile from sources. The systemd unit files (for ubuntu) and init script (Alpine uses openrc) are something I can manually install, as well as users. I think that is less problematic to deal with.