apps.plugin error: "Cannot process /proc/1556236/io (command 'varnishstat')" in lxd container.


The apps.plugin prints the following two error messages every second to the journal:

Cannot process /proc/1556236/io (command ‘varnishstat’)
Cannot process entries in /proc/1556236/fd (command ‘varnishstat’)

The varnishstat command is used by the python varnish plugin (Varnish | Learn Netdata). If the varnish plugin is disabled the error messages disappear. The error messages appear both if apps.plugin runs as netdata user given the necessary capabilities (cap_dac_read_search,cap_sys_ptrace+ep) or if run as root. Furthermore, the errors only appear when the netdata agent is running inside a lxd container.

Has anyone a clue what the root cause for these errors is? Is it possible to tell the apps.plugin to ignore some processes?

Environment/Browser/Agent’s version etc

Netdata Version ____________________________________________ : v1.44.3
Installation Type __________________________________________ : binpkg-deb
Package Architecture _______________________________________ : x86_64
Package Distro _____________________________________________ :
Configure Options __________________________________________ : ‘–build=x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘–includedir=${prefix}/include’ ‘–mandir=${prefix}/share/man’ ‘–infodir=${prefix}/share/info’ ‘–disable-option-checking’ ‘–disable-silent-rules’ ‘–libdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘–libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘–disable-maintainer-mode’ ‘–prefix=/usr’ ‘–sysconfdir=/etc’ ‘–localstatedir=/var’ ‘–libdir=/usr/lib’ ‘–libexecdir=/usr/libexec’ ‘–with-user=netdata’ ‘–with-math’ ‘–with-zlib’ ‘–with-webdir=/var/lib/netdata/www’ ‘–disable-dependency-tracking’ ‘build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘CFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/usr/src/netdata=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security’ ‘LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro’ ‘CPPFLAGS=-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2’ ‘CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/usr/src/netdata=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security’

Default Directories:
User Configurations ________________________________________ : /etc/netdata
Stock Configurations _______________________________________ : /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
Ephemeral Databases (metrics data, metadata) _______________ : /var/cache/netdata
Permanent Databases ________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata
Plugins ____________________________________________________ : /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d
Static Web Files ___________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata/www
Log Files __________________________________________________ : /var/log/netdata
Lock Files _________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata/lock
Home _______________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata

Operating System:
Kernel _____________________________________________________ : Linux
Kernel Version _____________________________________________ : 6.2.0-39-generic
Operating System ___________________________________________ : unknown
Operating System ID ________________________________________ : unknown
Operating System ID Like ___________________________________ : unknown
Operating System Version ___________________________________ : unknown
Operating System Version ID ________________________________ : 22.04
Detection __________________________________________________ : unknown

CPU Cores __________________________________________________ : 16
CPU Frequency ______________________________________________ : 5388000000
RAM Bytes __________________________________________________ : 66513309696
Disk Capacity ______________________________________________ : 2048419086336
CPU Architecture ___________________________________________ : x86_64
Virtualization Technology __________________________________ : none
Virtualization Detection ___________________________________ : systemd-detect-virt

Container __________________________________________________ : lxc
Container Detection ________________________________________ : systemd-detect-virt
Container Orchestrator _____________________________________ : none
Container Operating System _________________________________ : Ubuntu
Container Operating System ID ______________________________ : ubuntu
Container Operating System ID Like _________________________ : debian
Container Operating System Version _________________________ : 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
Container Operating System Version ID ______________________ : 22.04
Container Operating System Detection _______________________ : /etc/os-release

Built For __________________________________________________ : Linux
Netdata Cloud ______________________________________________ : YES
Health (trigger alerts and send notifications) _____________ : YES
Streaming (stream metrics to parent Netdata servers) _______ : YES
Back-filling (of higher database tiers) ____________________ : YES
Replication (fill the gaps of parent Netdata servers) ______ : YES
Streaming and Replication Compression ______________________ : YES (zstd lz4 gzip)
Contexts (index all active and archived metrics) ___________ : YES
Tiering (multiple dbs with different metrics resolution) ___ : YES (5)
Machine Learning ___________________________________________ : YES

Database Engines:
dbengine ___________________________________________________ : YES
alloc ______________________________________________________ : YES
ram ________________________________________________________ : YES
map ________________________________________________________ : YES
save _______________________________________________________ : YES
none _______________________________________________________ : YES

Connectivity Capabilities:
ACLK (Agent-Cloud Link: MQTT over WebSockets over TLS) _____ : YES
static (Netdata internal web server) _______________________ : YES
h2o (web server) ___________________________________________ : YES
WebRTC (experimental) ______________________________________ : NO
Native HTTPS (TLS Support) _________________________________ : YES
TLS Host Verification ______________________________________ : YES

LZ4 (extremely fast lossless compression algorithm) ________ : YES
ZSTD (fast, lossless compression algorithm) ________________ : YES
zlib (lossless data-compression library) ___________________ : YES
Judy (high-performance dynamic arrays and hashtables) ______ : YES (bundled)
dlib (robust machine learning toolkit) _____________________ : YES (bundled)
protobuf (platform-neutral data serialization protocol) ____ : YES (system)
OpenSSL (cryptography) _____________________________________ : YES
libdatachannel (stand-alone WebRTC data channels) __________ : NO
JSON-C (lightweight JSON manipulation) _____________________ : YES
libcap (Linux capabilities system operations) ______________ : NO
libcrypto (cryptographic functions) ________________________ : YES
libm (mathematical functions) ______________________________ : YES
jemalloc ___________________________________________________ : NO
TCMalloc ___________________________________________________ : NO

apps (monitor processes) ___________________________________ : YES
cgroups (monitor containers and VMs) _______________________ : YES
cgroup-network (associate interfaces to CGROUPS) ___________ : YES
proc (monitor Linux systems) _______________________________ : YES
tc (monitor Linux network QoS) _____________________________ : YES
diskspace (monitor Linux mount points) _____________________ : YES
freebsd (monitor FreeBSD systems) __________________________ : NO
macos (monitor MacOS systems) ______________________________ : NO
statsd (collect custom application metrics) ________________ : YES
timex (check system clock synchronization) _________________ : YES
idlejitter (check system latency and jitter) _______________ : YES
bash (support shell data collection jobs - charts.d) _______ : YES
debugfs (kernel debugging metrics) _________________________ : YES
cups (monitor printers and print jobs) _____________________ : YES
ebpf (monitor system calls) ________________________________ : YES
freeipmi (monitor enterprise server H/W) ___________________ : YES
nfacct (gather netfilter accounting) _______________________ : YES
perf (collect kernel performance events) ___________________ : YES
slabinfo (monitor kernel object caching) ___________________ : YES
Xen ________________________________________________________ : NO
Xen VBD Error Tracking _____________________________________ : NO
Logs Management ____________________________________________ : YES

AWS Kinesis ________________________________________________ : NO
GCP PubSub _________________________________________________ : NO
MongoDB ____________________________________________________ : YES
Prometheus (OpenMetrics) Exporter __________________________ : YES
Prometheus Remote Write ____________________________________ : YES
Graphite ___________________________________________________ : YES
Graphite HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
JSON _______________________________________________________ : YES
JSON HTTP / HTTPS __________________________________________ : YES
OpenTSDB ___________________________________________________ : YES
OpenTSDB HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
All Metrics API ____________________________________________ : YES
Shell (use metrics in shell scripts) _______________________ : YES

Debug/Developer Features:
Trace All Netdata Allocations (with charts) ________________ : NO
Developer Mode (more runtime checks, slower) _______________ : NO