Constant gaps in all charts

Hi @Kalradia

It’s still my feeling that something is wrong either with the machine’s RTC, or the internal clock of Netdata, but I’m not sure we can make sure it’s the problem… Please bear with me … :slight_smile:

The error.log reports many is X.XXXXXX secs in the past, and also Postponing alarm checks for 60 seconds, because it seems that the system was just resumed from suspension. which should not normally occur.

Also from your previous paste, the line Offset: +5.495106s is another thing that might point to this.

The hwclock command can also show any drifts with the hardware clock, can you run it for a while with watch hwclock --verbose and check if it shows any Calculated Hardware Clock drift?


Hey, sorry for the delay. I was able to run the command in the prior post now, but I’m seeing my RTC time and Universal time stay in sync. However, I also see that my charts are performing just fine right now and there appear to be no gaps.

Hi @Kalradia thank you for your follow up.

Is it okay with you that we keep monitoring (:slight_smile: ) this? In case it comes back again?

Please let us know if when you see gaps again, try to do a check on the clocks at the same time. It could also be that instead of your system clock drifting, the internal clock of Netdata is not keeping up or running faster.

Thank you very much for your help again!