Hi there,
we want to fully disable the cgroup_ram_in_use alert for promtail running through Docker Swarm.
How do we achieve this? We tried multiple attempts but couldn’t figure out a way that works.
Here is the most recent config we tried:
template: cgroup_ram_in_use
on: cgroup.mem_usage
class: Utilization
type: Cgroups
component: Memory
host labels: _os=linux
chart labels: cgroup_name=!*promtail* *
calc: ($ram) * 100 / $memory_limit
units: %
every: 10s
warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (80) : (90))
crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (90) : (98))
delay: down 15m multiplier 1.50 max 1h
summary: Cgroup ${label:cgroup_name} memory utilization
info: Cgroup ${label:cgroup_name} memory utilization
to: silent