Error 500 can't change timeframe

I’m stuck in the 15mins timeframe, every time I click to change the timeframe I get a 500 error with NetData Cloud

Same problem on 3 different servers

If I use the local IP instead, same problem. If I click to change the timeframe, the entire menu disappear and Netdata stop working util I reload the page

Hi @Ungov ,

Welcome to our forums and thank you for raising this to us.

Just want to double check, wheny you mention local IP instead you are referring to the local Agent dashboard, right?

Could you also share some more info?

  1. Which agent version are you running on those 3 servers?
  2. If you open your dev-tools on your browser and check the console do get any errrors? Both on Netdata Cloud and Netdata Agent dasbhboard (local ip)

If you could also share with us your space_id it would great - better by DM.



Last version. Just installed it.

How do I find my space ID?

Hi @Ungov ,

Thanks for sharing that, based on the console it seems some issue related with time selection could you include on our printscreen the date time picker?


To get your node ID you can go to the Network tab on dev-console and see a network call with URL , for example if you are on Overview you can see the /stats call. The space ID will be between /spaces and /rooms

You can also find it on the Manage Space section, you can access that from the gear wheel on top of your profile picture

The error is when i click on the green 15mins

Space Id

Hi @Ungov ,

Thanks for sharing your Space ID, I’m sorry for just following up now I lost the update notifications for this thread…

Could you let me know if you are still experiencing this?