go.d.plugin not loading modules

I just installed and set up netdata on my trueNAS scale server as a TrueCharts app. I was following the Windows machine collector documentation and have been unable to get the Windows machine to show up.

I’ve set up and verified windows exporter on my WIN machine, and configured both windows.conf and vnodes.conf as directed in the configuration section. When I run the go.d.plugin to debug the collector I get

/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d # ./go.d.plugin -d -m windows
[ DEBUG ] main[main] main.go:113 plugin: name=go.d, version=v0.50.0
[ DEBUG ] main[main] main.go:115 current user: name=root, uid=0
[ INFO  ] main[main] agent.go:136 instance is started
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:42 loading config file
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:50 looking for 'go.d.conf' in [/etc/netdata /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d]
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:57 found '/etc/netdata/go.d.conf
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:64 config successfully loaded
[ INFO  ] main[main] agent.go:140 using config: enabled 'true', default_run 'true', max_procs '0'
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:69 loading modules
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:88 enabled/registered modules: 0/79
[ INFO  ] main[main] agent.go:152 no modules to run

Looks like no modules are loading, so I opened up my go.d.conf, and it’s the default. I tried uncommenting ‘windows: yes’ but that didn’t have any effect. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the modules to load/enabled? I thought they were all enabled by default.

Here’s my current go.d.conf:

# netdata go.d.plugin configuration
# This file is in YAML format.

# Enable/disable the whole go.d.plugin.
enabled: yes

# Enable/disable default value for all modules.
default_run: yes

# Maximum number of used CPUs. Zero means no limit.
max_procs: 0

# Enable/disable specific g.d.plugin module
# If you want to change any value, you need to uncomment out it first.
# IMPORTANT: Do not remove all spaces, just remove # symbol. There should be a space before module name.
#  activemq: yes
#  apache: yes
#  bind: yes
#  chrony: yes
#  cockroachdb: yes
#  consul: yes
#  coredns: yes
#  couchbase: yes
#  couchdb: yes
#  dnsdist: yes
#  dnsmasq: yes
#  dnsmasq_dhcp: yes
#  dns_query: yes
#  docker: yes
#  docker_engine: yes
#  dockerhub: yes
#  elasticsearch: yes
#  example: no
#  filecheck: yes
#  fluentd: yes
#  freeradius: yes
#  haproxy: yes
#  hdfs: yes
#  httpcheck: yes
#  isc_dhcpd: yes
#  k8s_kubelet: yes
#  k8s_kubeproxy: yes
#  lighttpd: yes
#  lighttpd2: yes
#  logind: yes
#  logstash: yes
#  mongodb: yes
#  mysql: yes
#  nginx: yes
#  nginxplus: yes
#  nginxvts: yes
#  ntpd: yes
#  nvme: yes
#  nvidia_smi: no
#  openvpn: no
#  openvpn_status_log: yes
#  ping: yes
#  pgbouncer: yes
#  phpdaemon: yes
#  phpfpm: yes
#  pihole: yes
#  pika: yes
#  portcheck: yes
#  postgres: yes
#  powerdns: yes
#  powerdns_recursor: yes
#  prometheus: yes
#  pulsar: yes
#  rabbitmq: yes
#  redis: yes
#  scaleio: yes
#  snmp: yes
#  solr: yes
#  springboot2: yes
#  squidlog: yes
#  supervisord: yes
#  systemdunits: no
#  tengine: yes
#  traefik: yes
#  unbound: yes
#  vernemq: yes
#  vcsa: yes
#  vsphere: yes
#  web_log: yes
#  wireguard: yes
#  whoisquery: yes
#  windows: yes
#  x509check: yes
#  zookeeper: yes

Hi, @phenaos :wave:

[ DEBUG ] main[main] main.go:113 plugin: name=go.d, version=v0.50.0

We renamed this collector from wmi to windows in go.d.plugin v0.51.0.

I’ve set up and verified windows exporter on my WIN machine, and configured both windows.conf and vnodes.conf

You are using the stable version. It does not have a vnodes feature, it is only available in the nightly version. We apologize if this was not made clear enough in the manual. You need to wait until the next stable release (which will be in April I believe) or switch to nightly.

Hi @ilyam8 :wave:

Thanks for the quick reply. If I wanted to stay with the stable version, would use the go.d.conf from v0.50.0, and create wmi.conf in /etc/netdata/go.d? Is there anything else I’ve missed?

So, I replaced my go.d.conf with v0.50.0, uncommented ‘wmi: yes’, and created “/etc/netdata/go.d/wmi.conf”, but I’m still not able to load any modules. I’m getting the same output from the go.d.plugin.

I’m getting the same output

You get the same output when doing what? This?

./go.d.plugin -d -m window

Should be

./go.d.plugin -d -m wmi

@ilyam8 :man_facepalming: Yeah it helps if I use the right command. Sigh, sorry about that. Got it all working. Thank you.