My host runs a large number docker containers (>50). Netdata automatically picks them up (which is awesome) but clutters the right-hand menu with a top-level node for each container (not so awesome). Is there a way how all those nodes can be grouped under a single top-level node, say, “Docker Containers”?
I took a look at the underlying JS but couldn’t find a simple way to do this. Any thoughts/ideas?
Thanks for your reply. My question was for the local agent dashboard. I already had a look at the code that renders the dashboard but I didn’t find an easy way to get what I want. However, I’d expect most folks that use Netdata for monitoring docker to prefer a top-level node Docker under which all the containers are listed, so I’m wondering whether this would make sense to fix upstream as opposed to me fixing it locally.
Once this is available on Netdata Cloud we will see what can apply and/or be used on the Netdata Agent.
Still, in case you want to open a PR on the Netdata Agent dashboard you can do it and someone from the team will review it.