When I view the netdata agent web UI, I see the docker containers listed on the right, but when I use the netdata cloud UI, it does not show there. How do I get the same data visible in the cloud war room?
Do you see them in cloud if you go to the node list and into the individual node?
I think I had a similar issue whereby some of my menus were not showing up the the room overview screen but we’re visible (as on agent dashboard) when I went into the node on cloud via the node list.
Eg I am wondering if you having same issue as me here [BUG] chart families not showing properly in overview screen · Issue #49 · netdata/netdata-cloud · GitHub
In the “Overview” screen, you only have a “cgroups” menu, which aggregates cpu/mem/network stats across all containers.
You can see individual container charts in the single node view (accessed either by clicking on the number of charts or number of nodes on top of the aggregate charts and selecting the one you want to navigate to, or by going to the “Nodes” view first).
I am having the same issue - I cannot find any way around it.
I cannot see the individual charts for docker containers in the cloud view. I am looking at the node itself and not the overview.
The single node view on the cloud was replaced this week with a filtered view similar to the overview screen. To see a single container, you now need to select it.
We don’t have a non-kubernetes demo environment with docker containers for me to provide an example of how exactly to do this, but it requires using the options at the top of the chart:
e.g. group by instance and then select the instance you are interested in
I got it now. Thanks. So in the single node view you can change the options for the graph “group by = instance of = [the container to monitor]” if you just want to see one container.
I’ve also just seen that I can add the individual cgroup_DOCKERAPP.cpu or .net etc. graphs to a dashboard. So That’s what I’ll do; create a “containers” dashboard and then add all the things I want to monitor as separate graphs.
Thanks for your help.