OK, so I’ve been through the other topics on this, others seems to be having similar issues, with no solution.
I’ve got multiple *nix machines up running and reporting just fine, I’ve set one of them up to pull the Prometheus data from a Windows machine I have, The windows machin shows the data on it’s own http query to the localhost:9182/metrics just fine.
The linux machine I am using to connect and pull the data seems to be ‘working’ fine, and the vnode has been created in the dashboard, however there are no metrics against it, and no data?
The Linux Node Configuration :
INF module/job.go:267 stopped collector=windows job=mce-lounge
INF jobmgr/manager.go:88 instance is stopped component="job manager"
INF discovery/manager.go:62 instance is stopped component="discovery manager"
INF file/discovery.go:70 instance is stopped component=discovery discoverer=file
INF functions/manager.go:51 instance is stopped component="functions manager"
INF agent/agent.go:146 instance is stopped component=agent
netdata@nginx:/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d$ ./go.d.plugin -d -m windows
DBG godplugin/main.go:144 plugin: name=go.d, version= component=agent
DBG godplugin/main.go:146 current user: name=netdata, uid=114 component=agent
INF godplugin/main.go:150 env HTTP_PROXY '', HTTPS_PROXY '' component=agent
INF agent/agent.go:145 instance is started component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:23 loading config file component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:31 looking for 'go.d.conf' in [/etc/netdata /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d] component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:38 found '/etc/netdata/go.d.conf component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:45 config successfully loaded component=agent
INF agent/agent.go:149 using config: enabled 'true', default_run 'true', max_procs '0' component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:50 loading modules component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:73 enabled/registered modules: 1/77 component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:79 building discovery config component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:114 looking for 'wmi.conf' in [/etc/netdata/go.d /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d] component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:126 looking for 'windows.conf' in [/etc/netdata/go.d /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d] component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:142 found '/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:147 dummy/read/watch paths: 0/1/0 component=agent
INF discovery/manager.go:116 registered discoverers: [file discovery: [file reader] service discovery] component="discovery manager"
DBG agent/setup.go:165 looking for 'vnodes/' in [/etc/netdata /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d] component=agent
DBG vnodes/vnodes.go:85 adding virtual node'{GUID:fd8a9736-dc4b-479e-844a-1513fb3c923d Hostname:mce-lounge Labels:map[]}' (/etc/netdata/vnodes/vnodes.conf) component=vnodes
INF agent/setup.go:177 found '/etc/netdata/vnodes' (1 vhosts) component=agent
INF discovery/manager.go:61 instance is started component="discovery manager"
INF jobmgr/manager.go:87 instance is started component="job manager"
DBG functions/ext.go:15 registering function 'config' component="functions manager"
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows create accepted template /collectors/jobs internal 'internal' 'add schema enable disable test' 0x0000 0x0000
INF functions/manager.go:50 instance is started component="functions manager"
INF file/discovery.go:69 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:48 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:49 instance is stopped component=discovery discoverer=file
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:122 received configs: 1/+1/-0 ('/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf') component="job manager"
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows:mce-lounge create accepted job /collectors/jobs user 'discoverer=file_reader,file=/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf' 'schema get enable disable update restart test' 0x0000 0x0000
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:293 creating windows[mce-lounge] job, config: map[__provider__:file reader __source__:discoverer=file_reader,file=/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf __source_type__:user autodetection_retry:0 module:windows name:mce-lounge priority:70000 update_every:30 url: vnode:mce-lounge] component="job manager"
INF sd/sd.go:66 instance is started component="service discovery"
INF pipeline/pipeline.go:118 instance is started component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
INF dockerd/docker.go:95 instance is started component="service discovery" discoverer=docker
INF pipeline/pipeline.go:118 instance is started component="service discovery" pipeline="network listeners"
INF netlisteners/netlisteners.go:102 instance is started component="service discovery" discoverer=net_listeners
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:139 received 7 target groups component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=wordpress-wordpress-1,image=wordpress:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 2 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=wordpress-db-1,image=mysql:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 4 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/compose.go:85 created 1 config(s) for target 'wordpress-db-1_172.29.0.2__tcp_0_3306'
DBG pipeline/compose.go:85 created 1 config(s) for target 'wordpress-db-1_172.29.0.2__tcp_0_33060'
DBG pipeline/compose.go:85 created 1 config(s) for target 'wordpress-db-1_172.29.0.2_0.0.0.0_tcp_3307_3307'
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=npm-app,image=lepresidente/nginxproxymanager:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 12 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=npm-db,image=mariadb:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 1 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/compose.go:85 created 1 config(s) for target 'npm-db_172.22.0.2__tcp_0_3306'
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=influxdb_container,image=influxdb,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 4 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=grafana_container,image=grafana/grafana,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 2 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=docker,container=yacht,image=selfhostedpro/yacht,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf' with 2 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:139 received 1 target groups component="service discovery" pipeline="network listeners"
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:154 processing group 'discoverer=net_listeners,host=localhost,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/net_listeners.conf' with 9 target(s) component="service discovery" pipeline="network listeners"
DBG pipeline/compose.go:85 created 1 config(s) for target 'tcp_6060_15033573972214018571'
INF module/job.go:244 check success collector=windows job=mce-lounge
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows:mce-lounge status running
INF module/job.go:266 started, data collection interval 30s collector=windows job=mce-lounge
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:122 received configs: 3/+3/-0 ('discoverer=docker,container=wordpress-db-1,image=mysql:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf') component="job manager"
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:122 received configs: 1/+1/-0 ('discoverer=docker,container=npm-db,image=mariadb:latest,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/docker.conf') component="job manager"
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:122 received configs: 1/+1/-0 ('discoverer=net_listeners,host=localhost,file=/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d/sd/net_listeners.conf') component="job manager"
Thats the initial of the debug, and later after the 30s tick, I can see data flowing like
BEGIN 'windows_mce-lounge.service_nvdisplay.containerlocalsystem_state'
SET 'running' = 1
SET 'stopped' = 0
SET 'start_pending' = 0
SET 'stop_pending' = 0
SET 'continue_pending' = 0
SET 'pause_pending' = 0
SET 'paused' = 0
SET 'unknown' = 0
CHART 'windows_mce-lounge.service_nvdisplay.containerlocalsystem_status' '' 'Service status' 'status' 'services' 'windows.service_status' 'line' '70127' '30' '' 'go.d' 'windows'
CLABEL 'service' 'nvdisplay.containerlocalsystem' '1'
CLABEL '_collect_job' 'mce-lounge' '1'
DIMENSION 'ok' 'ok' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'error' 'error' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'unknown' 'unknown' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'degraded' 'degraded' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'pred_fail' 'pred_fail' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'starting' 'starting' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'stopping' 'stopping' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'service' 'service' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'stressed' 'stressed' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'nonrecover' 'nonrecover' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'no_contact' 'no_contact' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'lost_comm' 'lost_comm' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''
BEGIN 'windows_mce-lounge.service_nvdisplay.containerlocalsystem_status'
SET 'ok' = 1
SET 'error' = 0
SET 'unknown' = 0
SET 'degraded' = 0
SET 'pred_fail' = 0
SET 'starting' = 0
SET 'stopping' = 0
SET 'service' = 0
SET 'stressed' = 0
SET 'nonrecover' = 0
SET 'no_contact' = 0
SET 'lost_comm' = 0
So I’m assuming (right or wrong) that the data is being pulled from the windows machine etc.
My question, how do I get some of the dashboard populated like it is for the nix machines?