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Hello, I’ve been installing netdata 1.45.6 with the kickstart installer on RHEL9 for a while now, but recently (reported to me last week) it started to fail, saying that it can’t find this version in the repo. It is able to install 1.46.0 and above, but that version breaks some metric names (otel standardization) which I have not had time to address yet. I would like to continue to install 1.45.6.
This is the install command I’ve used successfully until recently:
sh --non-interactive --disable-telemetry --release-channel stable --no-updates --dont-start-it --disable-cloud --native-only --install-version 1.45.6*
Relevant docs you followed/actions you took to solve the issue
I saw a notice in the documentation about repositories changing in late 2024, but I don’t know what it means and if it has any bearing on my situation. It was the only relevant notice I could find.
“In July 2022, we switched hosting of our native packages from Package Cloud to self-hosted repositories. Until late 2024 we continued to provide packages via Package Cloud, but we have since then switched to only providing packages via our repositories.”
Environment/Browser/Agent’s version etc
I’m focusing on installs for RHEL9 at the moment, but will also need 1.45.6 for Ubuntu 22 as well.
What I expected to happen
I would like to be able to continue to install version 1.45.6. Thanks!