unable to upgrade from v1.45.0-106 to 1.46 on old ubuntu

My Netdata lives on an very old Ubuntu bionic
netdata is installed at /opt/netdata

/opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli version
netdata v1.45.0-106-ge85be29fc

Which command would be the correct?
Some of my tries:

 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --build-only
 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --build-only --reinstall
 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --static-only --reinstall
 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --native-only --reinstall
 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --nightly-channel --static-only --reinstall
 wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --install-prefix /opt/netdata --nightly-channel --static-only 

None of the above are working.
Yes, the Ubuntu is very old, but it should working some months until we can upgrade this

What I’m missing here?
This is a business model, if this does matter

my steps were:

“apt purge netdata netdata-repo-edge”
“wget -O /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh https://get.netdata.cloud/kickstart.sh && sh /tmp/netdata-kickstart.sh --reinstall”
“/opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli version”
“/opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli aclk-state”
This is the path to the problem solution. Simply remove the outdated netdata version from the repository, I was just unsure because of the existing integration in the existing workspace.

opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli version
netdata v1.99.0-407-g44e7fc64a

Can be marked as solved

Yes, @Bernd, that is the way. We discontinue native packages for end-of-life platforms. Reinstalling will switch you to the static build, which is compatible with almost all systems.

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