I have installed the netdata on a XCP-ng host (Xen Server Orchestra) and I can see all its data and those of its VMs when I access it from its own website ( When I try to set it up though as a child netdata server I cannot see it the netdata website properly. The names of the sensors are there and so are the descriptions letter and names of its sensor and the hosts VMs but not the charts and graphs. Below is the netdata.conf of the XCP-ng netdata setup:
memory mode = dbengine
hostname = #####
web files owner = root
web files group = root
default port = 19999
bind to = *
allow netdata.conf from = *
mode = static-threaded
I have checked stream.conf and it is setup as a child node to my parent netdata node server.
I have perfromed the installation to the XCP-ng host with the command:
yum install netdata-ui
On the screenshots you can see both the sections of the alerts and the VMs (bill test 2 etc). On all of them though there are no chart , graphs or diagrams.
I have tried opening the web dashboard via an incognito window and have also cleared the cache but with the same results.
I pulled the logs from the parent netdata server and they look like the following:
2021-11-30 21:55:29: 1205: 122 ‘[xx.xx.xx.xx]:38552’ ‘STREAM’ (sent/all = 45/45 bytes -0%, prep/sent/total = 1638309329672.94/1638309329673.36/0.42 ms) 409 ‘key=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxx&hostname=itlab&
2021-11-30 21:55:29: STREAM: 122 ‘[xx.xx.xx.xx]:38552’ ‘REJECTED - ALREADY CONNECTED’ host ‘itlab’ api key ‘xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxx’ machine guid ‘83853448-508c-11ec-9ce2-b82a72df6d4e’,
2021-11-30 21:55:29: netdata INFO : WEB_SERVER[static3] : STREAM itlab [receive from [xx.xx.xx.xx]:38552]: multiple connections for same host detected - existing connection is active (within last 0 sec), rejecting new connection.,
2021-11-30 21:55:34: netdata INFO : WEB_SERVER[static4] : STREAM itlab [receive from [xx.xx.xx.xx]:38572]: multiple connections for same host detected - existing connection is active (within last 0 sec), rejecting new connection.,
2021-11-30 21:55:34: STREAM: 131 ‘[xx.xx.xx.xx]:38572’ ‘REJECTED - ALREADY CONNECTED’ host ‘itlab’ api key ‘xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxx’ machine guid ‘83853448-508c-11ec-9ce2-b82a72df6d4e’,
itlab is the XCP-ng host server which I want to monitor as a child netdata node.
I have changed the IP address and api key for obvious reasons.