netdata agent does not visualise the chart

Good afternoon. I am new to netdata, so I may still be confused about the terminology.

on my production server, the netdata agent is already running and collecting data, visualisation is working, including correct display of mysql plugins, etc.

But now I need to have a chart created for freeradius.
I used the documentation for installing the plugin - FreeRADIUS | Netdata - and it doesn’t work (:

Here is what I have:

cat /etc/netdata/go.d.conf
  example: no
  prometheus: no
  k8s_state: no
  k8s_kubeproxy: no
  k8s_kubelet: no
  nginx: yes
  mysql: yes
  postgres: yes
  supervisord: yes
  freeradius: yes
  phpfpm: yes
  redis: yes
  openvpn: yes

Status work in freeradius:

server status {
        listen {
                #  ONLY Status-Server is allowed to this port.
                #  ALL other packets are ignored.
                type = status

                ipaddr =
                port = 18121
        client admin {
                ipaddr =
                secret = adminsecret
[ INFO  ] main[main] setup.go:188 found '/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/vnodes' (0 vhosts)
[ INFO  ] discovery[manager] manager.go:97 instance is started
[ INFO  ] run[manager] run.go:32 instance is started
[ INFO  ] build[manager] build.go:117 instance is started
[ INFO  ] discovery[file manager] discovery.go:73 instance is started
[ INFO  ] discovery[file reader] read.go:41 instance is started
[ INFO  ] discovery[file reader] read.go:42 instance is stopped
[ DEBUG ] build[manager] build.go:164 received config group ('/etc/netdata/go.d/freeradius.conf'): 1 jobs (added: 1, removed: 0)
[ DEBUG ] build[manager] build.go:313 building freeradius[local] job, config: map[__provider__:file reader __source__:/etc/netdata/go.d/freeradius.conf address: autodetection_retry:0 module:freeradius name:local port:18121 priority:70000 secret:adminsecret update_every:1]
[ INFO  ] freeradius[local] job.go:208 check success
[ INFO  ] freeradius[local] job.go:228 started, data collection interval 1s
[ DEBUG ] run[manager] run.go:43 tick 0
CHART 'netdata.execution_time_of_freeradius_local' '' 'Execution time' 'ms' 'go.d' 'netdata.go_plugin_execution_time' 'line' '145000' '1' '' 'go.d' 'freeradius'
CLABEL '_collect_job' 'local' '1'
DIMENSION 'time' '' 'absolute' '1' '1' ''

CHART 'freeradius_local.authentication' '' 'Authentication' 'packets/s' 'authentication' 'freeradius.authentication' 'line' '70000' '1' '' 'go.d' 'freeradius'
CLABEL '_collect_job' 'local' '1'
DIMENSION 'requests' 'requests' 'incremental' '1' '1' ''
DIMENSION 'responses' 'responses' 'incremental' '1' '1' ''

BEGIN 'freeradius_local.authentication'
SET 'requests' = 8054
SET 'responses' = 7435