Newly added Node not displayed any charts, but only syslog logs

I’ve faced an issue - the newly added Node in a room doesn’t displayed any charts. It’s shown online, reacted to restarts (became offline for this period), and also syslogd logs are present for this node. Agent started in a docker contatiner and I’ve found in it logs these confusing lines:

netdata  | time=2023-12-20T11:35:04.974+00:00 comm=netdata source=daemon level=info tid=1284248 thread=PD[charts.d] module=plugins.d[charts.d.plugin] node=HOSTNAME_HERE   src_transport=pluginsd request='DISABLE' msg="PLUGINSD: plugin called DISABLE. Disabling it."
netdata  | /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin: line 138: echo: write error: Broken pipe
netdata  | time=2023-12-20T11:35:04.978+00:00 comm=netdata source=daemon level=info tid=1284248 thread=PD[charts.d] module=plugins.d[charts.d.plugin] node=HOSTNAME_HERE src_transport=pluginsd msg="PLUGINSD: 'host:HOSTNAME_HERE, '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin' (pid 1284261) does not generate useful output but it reports success (exits with 0). Will not start it again - it is now disabled.."

Line line 138: is a single line for all the log and not repeated more.

Is it related to a problem or which way to dig it to?
Calling curl localhost:19999/api/v1/charts outputs a long charts list, so locally charts are present.
I’ve tried to restart docker compose container, to remove and to add Node again with the same result. Also tried to use a different image version: stable (current) and edge. Result is always the same - " No charts to display" in UI.

hi @varrkan82,

Welcome to the forums and for raising your issue with us.

One thing that we’ve seen in the past is that some machine clock un-sync status could cause for charts to not be visible in Cloud for a very recent and short timeframe.

Could this be the case? Have you tried to query for charts for a longer period, example 1 or 2 days back?


hi @hugo
Thank you for a fast reply. Just tried with no result. Any way - this node added just a few hours ago and it shouldn’t have any historical data in the past… (

After a few hours of waiting data appeared in a UI. Sorry for inconveniences.


You shouldn’t have to wait for hours, though. Can you verify the machine’s clock is set properly and that the data you are seeing is current? E.g. by driving up the machine’s load and seeing corresponding spikes?

