Netdata and Home Assistant

I have been battling netdata integration with Home Assistant for about a year now, off and on and I have had no luck. I would really really like to get it up and running, as HA is pretty much the backbone of my IoT network here and Netdata is my preferred monitoring software. I am not new to HA or creating sensors, but my knowledge and the wonderful community over there haven’t been able to help me get this up and running. I am hoping that you guys can help me.

I have verified that nothing is being blocked by my firewall. My HA configuration closely resembles the one in HA’s Netdata documentation:

  - platform: netdata
    host: IP
    port: 19999
    name: netdata-server
        data_group: system.load
        element: load15
        icon: mdi:chip

Netdata is clearly seeing HA in some form. I get messages on my access.log showing frequent connections/disconnections from my HAs IP:

IP:Port ‘DATA’ (sent/all = 251/498 bytes -50%, prep/sent/total = 0.01/0.09/0.11 ms) 301 ‘/api/v1/allmetrics%3Fformat=json…’
IP:Port ‘DATA’ (sent/all = 251/498 bytes -50%, prep/sent/total = 0.01/0.09/0.10 ms) 301 ‘/api/v1/alarms%3Fall&format=json’

But I am not getting anything in my error.log and the only thing that I get from HA is that ‘Netdata is taking a long time to set up’.

I hope that someone could help me out, even if it’s just getting me in the right direction to troubleshoot!

After playing with it all day, I have come to realize that TLS is just not supported between these 2 platforms. Requests over http work if I set the bind dashboard to optional. Don’t really like that though. It looks like the most popular way to add it these days is using iframe panel, but that wont give you any sensors to work with and it won’t load over mobile either. Between this and my recent update issues, it may be time for me to move away from Netdata, unfortunately.

Hey, did you found a way to resolve this?

I have the same kind of config and I cannot even establish a connection to Netdata’s port - it looks like nothing exists there at all.

I don’t know if you had any luck with this but I found a way to get the data into HomeAssistant through Graphana but of course it’s graphs and displays only doesn’t help for alarms etc. mind I find NetData does that well enough out of the box anyway you just won’t care, plus one less point of failure in getting the alarms so more reliable anyway.

Also the graphs and charts you can generate using NetData data over HA Data is incredible, soo much better it’s unreal!

This is literally my first graph made in less than 5 minutes and it shows CPU Usage of 4 Servers & 2 Routers all in one display with fine detail! :slight_smile:
Graphana NetData CPU Usage 4 Servers 2 Routers

With that in mind i am removing Glances and everything else and moving it all to NetData, only problem is I can’t seem to get it to install on HAOS itself, not yet at laest…

just make “ip” and “19999”


  • platform: netdata
    host: “IP”
    port: “19999”
    name: netdata-server
    data_group: system.load
    element: load15
    icon: mdi:chip