Questions about homelab and business subsriptions.

I am reaching out to obtain some clarity about subscription plans for an expanded set-up that I am envisioning and would appreciate your guidance. Currently, as a homelabber, I am managing a mix of VPS, NAS, router, and other devices totaling more than five instances. With no commercial usage, I am leaning towards subscribing to the Homelab plan.

Here’s the scenario that prompts my questions: Suppose at some point I develop a paid application. I intend to continue using Netdata to monitor my system. In this case, would it be possible for me to maintain a Homelab subscription for my personal devices while also having a separate Business subscription for the paid app? Or am I required to upgrade all devices to the Business subscription?

To be specific, let’s assume I have five nodes currently with a Homelab subscription, and I add a separate, sixth node strictly for the commercial activity to avoid confusion (this would be a new server dedicated to running commercial service). With a mixed subscription approach (Homelab + Business), I anticipate the costs to be around 90 + 312 = 126 USD. In contrast, upgrading all to Business subscriptions would result in 312*6 = 216 USD, which is significantly higher.

In light of this, is there a more cost-effective solution? For instance, would it be feasible to register a second account, using one for Homelab and the other for Business purposes?

Furthermore, I have another query about the nature of my activities. If my website or app is entirely free with no revenue (no fees for usage, no subscriptions, no linked payment information), and I’m the sole developer and operator (not an organization), is a Business subscription required in this case?

Another question, what if the free website or app displays ads – would that be considered a commercial activity necessitating a Business subscription?

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your valuable insights on the best possible approach for my situation.

(English is translated from another language by ChatGPT)

Hi @zsh2517 ,

Welcome to Netdata Forums and thank you for looking into clarifying the appropriate use of Netdata plans.

Currently, as a homelabber, I am managing a mix of VPS, NAS, router, and other devices totaling more than five instances . With no commercial usage, I am leaning towards subscribing to the Homelab plan .

Yes, for this scenario it is totally ok to use the Homelab plan.

Suppose at some point I develop a paid application. I intend to continue using Netdata to monitor my system. In this case, would it be possible for me to maintain a Homelab subscription for my personal devices while also having a separate Business subscription for the paid app? Or am I required to upgrade all devices to the Business subscription?

Our plans are associated to a Space, not an account, so if you want to have a different space for your professional purpose nodes you can. You would end up with two spaces linked to your account, one for personal use and another for professional use.

With the example you provided you would pay:

  • Homelab space: $90 per year, or $10 per month
  • Business space: $4.50 per Node/month billed yearly, or $6 per Node/month billed monthly → just for the 1 node on this space

Furthermore, I have another query about the nature of my activities. If my website or app is entirely free with no revenue (no fees for usage, no subscriptions, no linked payment information), and I’m the sole developer and operator (not an organization), is a Business subscription required in this case?

Based on our Fair Usage Policy it seems to fall under “Monitoring a company’s or organization’s infrastructure” or “Using the service within a business or organizational context”, you could be not generating revenue from the application directly but the application in a way supporting your business (whatever that is) but without knowing the context specifically it is difficult to judge.

Another question, what if the free website or app displays ads – would that be considered a commercial activity necessitating a Business subscription?

Based on the answer above, yes.

I would suggest when the time comes for you to decide that you enage with us at plans at netdata dot cloud so your case can be assessed properly.
