Word about pricing.........

Ive just read this page about pricing and let me share my thoughts about what will change in free plan:

  1. Currently you can have unlimited number of admins; owner/admin is free to promote any number of users to the role of admin. Thats fair.
    May I ask why there will be max. 1 admin ( basically the owner ) after introducing of paid plan? What about big/huge deployments?
  2. Correlation and anormality detection: you will be able to look at past data only 48 hours back? What about incidents that needs to be more thoroughly investigated ( ex. 72 or more hours back )?
  3. Notifications integrations: only one starting from introduction of paid plan? Seriously man? WTF???

These three alone makes NetData unusable. Im more than sure that Im not the only one who feels this way.

We really appreciate your feedback. We’re actually very close to publishing much more detailed pricing plan info, with the exact pricing model we will follow.

May I ask why there will be max. 1 admin ( basically the owner ) after introducing of paid plan? What about big/huge deployments?

We expect companies to pay for Netdata Cloud if the need multiple admins. Of course some companies with huge deployments may be fine with admins sharing a single account, if they can’t afford the price. We’re not currently thinking of putting in place measures to prevent that, but we will reserve the right to do so in the future, if we deem it necessary for the future of the company.

Correlation and anomality detection: you will be able to look at past data only 48 hours back? What about incidents that needs to be more thoroughly investigated ( ex. 72 or more hours back )?

We have decided to launch the paid plan without a limit on data access and see how it goes, because we would really like to not take away this visibility from the free plan. We will continue to maintain the right to limit that access though, if we deem it necessary for the future of the company.

Notifications integrations: only one starting from introduction of paid plan.

The cloud today only supports email notifications. There’s always the option to send notifications directly from the agents and we’re never taking that feature away. As far as we can tell, the vast majority of our users who use that feature get notified in only one way today, anyway.

On a more general note, a concern many potential users had expressed was regarding the long term viability of the company. You obviously don’t want to invest in a tool that may become abandonware in the near future. We are really serious about democratizing monitoring and empowering syadmins, developers, devops and SREs across the world. But we are also a for-profit company with investors who will need return on their investment. If that makes the product unusable for you, we are sorry we’re not the right fit for you and really hope you will find something more suitable to your needs.


I will read it; thats for sure :slight_smile:

All due respect Chris, but what you describe is just dangerous; any half-serious devops knows this. Its called antipattern. And Im more than sure, huge setups will pay you for having multiple admins :slight_smile:

I wouldnt do that no matter what. Id rather close down the company than introduce something thats seen as unfriendly move. Remember that, despite being a for profit company, you have your, more or less loyal, community and by introducing limit of that kind, you will loose some part of community. That may make huge difference in case of ( for whatever reason ) company being dissolved and new projectr started. All I want to say is that with great community its easier to do this.

In fact any software ( paid or free ) can become abandonware. The trick here, in my opinion, is to steer the company/core team in the way that will not lead to software becoming abandonware. It requires skills.

In the current shape, yes, netdata is unusable in our ( company ) needs/setup. But, Im not saying that, once all the obstacles within netdata are gone, we will not return for good/take netdata for a test-ride :slight_smile: Who knows…