Reinstall the Agent in docker and adding tokens make the container non functional

This is an issue we received from a user in our cloud chat.


I had Netdata running before on an older version in docker-compose and completely removed the volumes, purged the image, and started the installation from scratch.

When I am trying to run the instruction from the Cloud to install Netdata and claim the node, I receive these error logs

When trying to add a new node with the given docker-compose code it exits with the following messages:
netdata | ls: /var/run/balena.sock: No such file or directory
netdata | ls: /var/run/docker.sock: No such file or directory
netdata | Unable to communicate with Netdata daemon, querying config from disk instead.
netdata | Unable to communicate with Netdata daemon, querying config from disk instead.
netdata | is not readable. Please make sure you have rights to read it (Filename: /var/lib/netdata/registry/
netdata exited with code 18

and the output of a docker ps is:

756XXXX099 netdata/netdata "/usr/sbin/" 48 minutes ago Restarting (18) 1 second ago

What I expected to happen

Netdata successfully installed via Docker run command ( from Netdata Cloud) and the node to be claimed in my space.

I found a working solution to this problem on github.
It seams like the problem is occuring only with old docker versions.
If you dont want to update your docker version, follow the instruction near the end of the discussion I linked aboth.

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