I’m working on a light-weight version of netdata monitoring for a machine’s OS, i managed to remove almost everything i did not need by editing “netdata.conf”, but the only thing i cannot find where to disable is the whole section of “Netdata Monitoring”.
It seems we still need to respect this setting from other parts of the code as well in order to completely remove the section. Sadly at the moment there’s not something we can do in your case, besides of waiting for an update. We’ll try and implement this as soon as possible.
It did improve a bit so i’m happy with the solution.
May i ask another question regarding the dashboard?
I’ve been using “go.d” prometheus plug-in to save costume-made metrics with python-prometheus library.
My problem is that in addition to the metrics i created, i am getting “python gc” , “python info”, “process”, “collection” charts for each different endpoint of prometheus i am scraping with netdata agent.
That is implemented. @Yves_Halimi you are on 1.36.0-104, the latest is 1.37.0-24. You need to update to v1.37.0+. Setting “netdata monitoring” to “no” completely removes the section for me.
Yes, you can filter out unwanted metrics by using selector.
The latest nightly release has no “collect_statistics”.
Selector (allow/deny): use metric names as you see them in http://IP:PORT/metrics. Also, you need to use wildcards if you want to filter not specific metrics (e.g use process* not process). See examples.
Little last thing i was wondering about, in the dashboard itself, before every scraped endpoint job name there is the word “prometheus” prefix. is there a way to change this prefix or remove it at all?
THANK YOU SO MUCH - i was battling my head with it for so long now!