run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/cron.daily/netdata-updater: No such file or directory


On Ubuntu 20.04, I have installed the agent, then decided to uninstall it.

I followed the instructions.

Now, every day, I am getting:

run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/cron.daily/netdata-updater: No such file or directory

Which tells me something wasn’t cleaned completely.

Does anyone know the steps I could take, or which program is attempting to run this particular cron?


Same thing, weird. Any solutions or workaround?

This appears to be a bug in the uninstaller code.

You should be able to work around the issue by simply manually removing /etc/cron.daily/netdata-updater.

Thank you! Seems I misread the error message. Indeed this was caused by a leftover link in /etc/cron.daily

I did that but the server still keeps emailing me that same error code.

@Austin_Hemmelgarn I manually removed that file but I keep getting those warnings on my webserver. What else do I need to clean? Would installing netdata and uninstalling work better? Thanks