Temperature on Raspberryi Pi — lm-sensors deprecated?

I recently installed Netdata on a Raspberry Pi 4, but didn’t see any CPU temperature. After installing the lm-sensors package I do see the CPU temperature, but the sensor is labeled as deprecated.

Is there some other way to do it that isn’t deprecated? Or is it fine to use the lm-sensors package?

Hi, lm-sensors is no longer needed in the nightly version, but is still required in the stable version (latest is v1.47.4).

Thanks for the reply. So the sensor collection will switch from lm-sensors to something else — once the change currently in nightly will hit stable?

Yes. The new version uses the sysfs interface.

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@ilyam8 what netdata version introduced this change? Can you link to MR ? I couldn’t find a mention of it in the releases