ACLK_MAIN ERROR - "Connection Problem" With Proxy

I am having a problem connecting to the cloud with my netdata service, I am getting the message “Connection problem”

I have the netdata service set up with docker compose, the server has a proxy for output to the internet so it is configured to output through the proxy and also configured the no_proxy for localhost

version: '3'
    image: netdata/netdata:latest
    container_name: netdata
    hostname: ******
    pid: host
      - 4000:19999
    restart: unless-stopped
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - apparmor:unconfined
      - ./log/:/var/log/netdata/
      - ./netdata.conf:/etc/netdata/netdata.conf
      - netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata
      - netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata
      - /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro
      - /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro
      - /proc:/host/proc:ro
      - /sys:/host/sys:ro
      - /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - PGID=979
      - VIRTUALIZATION=vmware
      - TZ=America/Argentina
      - http_proxy=http://*******
      - https_proxy=http://*******
      - no_proxy=localhost,,*****
      - NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN=why9p*****************************************amKQ
      - NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS=**********************
      - network_capacity

    external: true

I comment with **** the confidential data
I clarify that on the host server: I have the exports declared

I don’t know what the problem is due to, I know it is due to the proxy but I don’t know how to solve the problem, the proxy has the connection with the url [] enabled, is another url that netdata uses missing? Is there any extra configuration that must be done in these cases when using proxy? thank you

Hi @Jonathan_Stampella

Is it possible to grep your error.log for any ACLK lines? Should show some more info on the connection status.


Hi, in error.log show this

Thanks Jonathan.

Have you followed the steps for defining the proxy here → Connect Agent to Cloud | Learn Netdata ?


I set the proxy but I don’t know what else I have to do, I’m lost with the netdata and proxy configuration! run the script, first download it to my PC and then paste it on the server because I don’t have the url enabled for and it gives me this:

Could it be because I don’t have that url enabled in the proxy?

I solved the problem to connect to the cloud, it was the docker image that had an old version of netdata. Now when I go to my profile in netdata I can’t see the connected node

Is there a waiting time until the node is seen online? or do you have to enable something on the server?
or maybe the same error continues and only the interface was updated.

I noticed that in the info it shows me node_id as null
Is there something I’m missing?

# netdata configuration
# You can download the latest version of this file, using:
#  wget -O /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
# or
#  curl -o /etc/netdata/netdata.conf http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf
# You can uncomment and change any of the options below.
# The value shown in the commented settings, is the default value.

# global netdata configuration

	# run as user = netdata
	# host access prefix = /host
	# glibc malloc arena max for plugins = 1
	# cpu cores = 8
	# libuv worker threads = 48
	# hostname = PLVULCAUTOMA
	# enable metric correlations = yes
	# metric correlations method = ks2
	# timezone = America/Argentina
	# OOM score = 0
	# process scheduling policy = batch
	# process nice level = 19
	# pthread stack size = 131072

	# update every = 1
	# mode = dbengine
	# dbengine page cache size MB = 32
	# dbengine extent cache size MB = 0
	# dbengine enable journal integrity check = no
	# dbengine disk space MB = 256
	# dbengine multihost disk space MB = 256
	# memory deduplication (ksm) = yes
	# cleanup obsolete charts after secs = 3600
	# gap when lost iterations above = 1
	# enable replication = yes
	# seconds to replicate = 86400
	# seconds per replication step = 600
	# cleanup orphan hosts after secs = 3600
	# dbengine use direct io = yes
	# dbengine pages per extent = 64
	# storage tiers = 3
	# dbengine parallel initialization = yes
	# dbengine tier 1 multihost disk space MB = 128
	# dbengine tier 1 update every iterations = 60
	# dbengine tier 1 backfill = new
	# dbengine tier 2 multihost disk space MB = 64
	# dbengine tier 2 update every iterations = 60
	# dbengine tier 2 backfill = new
	# delete obsolete charts files = yes
	# delete orphan hosts files = yes
	# enable zero metrics = no
	# replication threads = 1

	# config = /etc/netdata
	# stock config = /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
	# log = /var/log/netdata
	# web = /usr/share/netdata/web
	# cache = /var/cache/netdata
	# lib = /var/lib/netdata
	# home = /root
	# lock = /var/lib/netdata/lock
	# plugins = "/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d" "/etc/netdata/custom-plugins.d"
	# registry = /var/lib/netdata/registry
	# stock health config = /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/health.d
	# health config = /etc/netdata/health.d

	# debug flags = 0x0000000000000000
	# debug = /var/log/netdata/debug.log
	# error = /var/log/netdata/error.log
	# collector = /var/log/netdata/collector.log
	# access = /var/log/netdata/access.log
	# health = /var/log/netdata/health.log
	# facility = daemon
	# errors flood protection period = 1200
	# errors to trigger flood protection = 200
	# severity level = info

[environment variables]
	# PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin

[host labels]
	# name = value

	# auto vacuum = INCREMENTAL
	# synchronous = NORMAL
	# journal mode = WAL
	# temp store = MEMORY
	# journal size limit = 16777216
	# cache size = -2000

	proxy = http://************
	# conversation log = no
	# query thread count = 4
	# statistics = yes

	# enabled = yes
	# maximum num samples to train = 21600
	# minimum num samples to train = 900
	# train every = 10800
	# number of models per dimension = 18
	# delete models older than = 604800
	# num samples to diff = 1
	# num samples to smooth = 3
	# num samples to lag = 5
	# random sampling ratio = 0.20000
	# maximum number of k-means iterations = 1000
	# dimension anomaly score threshold = 0.99000
	# host anomaly rate threshold = 1.00000
	# anomaly detection grouping method = average
	# anomaly detection grouping duration = 300
	# num training threads = 4
	# flush models batch size = 128
	# dimension anomaly rate suppression window = 900
	# dimension anomaly rate suppression threshold = 450
	# enable statistics charts = yes
	# hosts to skip from training = !*
	# charts to skip from training = netdata.*
	# stream anomaly detection charts = yes

	# silencers file = /var/lib/netdata/health.silencers.json
	# enabled = yes
	# is ephemeral = no
	# has unstable connection = no
	# run at least every seconds = 10
	# postpone alarms during hibernation for seconds = 60
	# default repeat warning = never
	# default repeat critical = never
	# in memory max health log entries = 1000
	# health log history = 432000
	# enabled alarms = *
	# script to execute on alarm = /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
	# use summary for notifications = yes
	# enable stock health configuration = yes

	# default port = 19999
	# ssl key = /etc/netdata/ssl/key.pem
	# ssl certificate = /etc/netdata/ssl/cert.pem
	# tls version = 1.3
	# tls ciphers = none
	# ses max tg_des_window = 15
	# des max tg_des_window = 15
	# mode = static-threaded
	# listen backlog = 4096
	# bind to = *
	# disconnect idle clients after seconds = 60
	# timeout for first request = 60
	# accept a streaming request every seconds = 0
	# respect do not track policy = no
	# x-frame-options response header = 
	# allow connections from = localhost *
	# allow connections by dns = heuristic
	# allow dashboard from = localhost *
	# allow dashboard by dns = heuristic
	# allow badges from = *
	# allow badges by dns = heuristic
	# allow streaming from = *
	# allow streaming by dns = heuristic
	# allow netdata.conf from = localhost fd* 10.* 192.168.* 172.16.* 172.17.* 172.18.* 172.19.* 172.20.* 172.21.* 172.22.* 172.23.* 172.24.* 172.25.* 172.26.* 172.27.* 172.28.* 172.29.* 172.30.* 172.31.* UNKNOWN
	# allow netdata.conf by dns = no
	# allow management from = localhost
	# allow management by dns = heuristic
	# enable gzip compression = yes
	# gzip compression strategy = default
	# gzip compression level = 3
	# ssl skip certificate verification = no
	# web server threads = 6
	# web server max sockets = 262144

	enabled = yes
	# netdata unique id file = /var/lib/netdata/registry/
	# registry db file = /var/lib/netdata/registry/registry.db
	# registry log file = /var/lib/netdata/registry/registry-log.db
	# registry save db every new entries = 1000000
	# registry expire idle persons days = 365
	# registry domain = 
	# registry to announce =
	# registry hostname = PLVULCAUTOMA
	# verify browser cookies support = yes
	# enable cookies SameSite and Secure = yes
	# max URL length = 1024
	# max URL name length = 50
	# use mmap = no
	# netdata management api key file = /var/lib/netdata/netdata.api.key
	# allow from = *
	# allow by dns = heuristic

[global statistics]
	# update every = 1


inside the netdata container it has a connection with app.netdata

It appears that the connection still doesn’t work…

Can you post the output of http://localhost:19999/api/v1/aclk? Can you check again the error.log for ACLK entries?


  "aclk-available": true,
  "aclk-version": 2,
  "protocols-supported": [
  "agent-claimed": true,
  "claimed-id": "8a8a3fd9-3325-40d9-8d36-cce6d95be610",
  "cloud-url": "",
  "online": false,
  "used-cloud-protocol": "Protobuf",
  "mqtt-version": 5,
  "received-app-layer-msgs": 0,
  "received-mqtt-pubacks": 0,
  "reconnect-count": 0,
  "last-connect-time-utc": null,
  "last-connect-time-puback-utc": null,
  "last-disconnect-time-utc": null,
  "next-connection-attempt-utc": "2023-10-31 14:54:08",
  "last-backoff-value": 164.85499572753906,
  "banned-by-cloud": false,
  "node-instances": [
      "hostname": "PLVULCAUTOMA",
      "mguid": "8a8a3fd9-3325-40d9-8d36-cce6d95be610",
      "claimed_id": "8a8a3fd9-3325-40d9-8d36-cce6d95be610",
      "node-id": null,
      "streaming-hops": 0,
      "relationship": "self",
      "streaming-online": true,
      "alert-sync-status": {

file error.log

2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[0] : thread created with task id 41842
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[0] : set name of thread 41842 to TRAIN[0]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : P[diskspace slo : set name of thread 41841 to P[diskspace slo
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[1] : thread created with task id 41843
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[1] : set name of thread 41843 to TRAIN[1]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : STATSD_FLUSH : LISTENER: IPv6 bind() on ip '::1' port 8125, socktype 1 failed. (errno 99, Address not available)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : STATSD_FLUSH : LISTENER: Cannot bind to ip '::1', port 8125
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_FLUSH : LISTENER: Listen socket udp: opened successfully.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_FLUSH : LISTENER: Listen socket tcp: opened successfully.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : WEB[6] : POLLFD: LISTENER: listening on 'tcp:[::]:19999'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PREDICT : thread created with task id 41837
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PREDICT : set name of thread 41837 to PREDICT
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : WEB[5] : set name of thread 41830 to WEB[5]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : P[proc] : set name of thread 41829 to P[proc]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : P[proc netdev] : thread created with task id 41846
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : P[proc netdev] : set name of thread 41846 to P[proc netdev]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : WEB[5] : POLLFD: LISTENER: listening on 'tcp:'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : WEB[5] : POLLFD: LISTENER: listening on 'tcp:[::]:19999'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_IN[1] : thread created with task id 41845
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_IN[1] : set name of thread 41845 to STATSD_IN[1]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_IN[1] : POLLFD: LISTENER: listening on 'udp:'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : STATSD_IN[1] : POLLFD: LISTENER: listening on 'tcp:'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[ioping] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ioping.plugin' running on pid 41844
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[2] : thread created with task id 41848
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[2] : set name of thread 41848 to TRAIN[2]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : MAIN : NETDATA STARTUP: in       5 ms, start the static threads - next: initialize commands API
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : MAIN : Initializing command server.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[go.d] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/go.d.plugin' running on pid 41850
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[3] : thread created with task id 41851
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : TRAIN[3] : set name of thread 41851 to TRAIN[3]
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : MAIN : NETDATA STARTUP: in       0 ms, initialize commands API - next: ready
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : MAIN : NETDATA STARTUP: completed in 423 ms. Enjoy real-time performance monitoring!
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : MAIN : /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ 'START' '-' '-'
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[apps] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/apps.plugin' running on pid 41854
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : ACLK_MAIN : Wait before attempting to reconnect in 0.000 seconds
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : ACLK_MAIN : Attempting connection now
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : ACLK_STATS : thread created with task id 41857
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : ACLK_STATS : set name of thread 41857 to ACLK_STATS
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[perf] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/perf.plugin' running on pid 41856
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[perf] : PLUGINSD: plugin called DISABLE. Disabling it.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[perf] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/perf.plugin' (pid 41856) disconnected after 0 successful data collections (ENDs).
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : PD[perf] : child pid 41856 exited with code 1.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : PD[perf] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/perf.plugin' (pid 41856) exited with error code 1 and haven't collected any data. Disabling it. (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[perf] : thread with task id 41838 finished
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[ioping] : PLUGINSD: plugin called DISABLE. Disabling it.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[ioping] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ioping.plugin' (pid 41844) disconnected after 0 successful data collections (ENDs).
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[python.d] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/python.d.plugin' running on pid 41889
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[debugfs] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA' connected to '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/debugfs.plugin' running on pid 41877
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : PD[ioping] : child pid 41844 exited with code 1.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : PD[ioping] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ioping.plugin' (pid 41844) exited with error code 1 and haven't collected any data. Disabling it. (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[ioping] : thread with task id 41836 finished
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : P[cgroups] : child pid 41893 exited with code 127.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : P[cgroups] : child pid 41896 exited with code 127.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[charts.d] : PLUGINSD: plugin called DISABLE. Disabling it.
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[charts.d] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin' (pid 41840) disconnected after 0 successful data collections (ENDs).
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : PD[charts.d] : PLUGINSD: 'host:PLVULCAUTOMA', '/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin' (pid 41840) does not generate useful output but it reports success (exits with 0). Will not start it again - it is now disabled..
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Expected response to start with "HTTP/1.1 " (errno 11, Resource temporarily unavailable)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error parsing HTTP response
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error reading or parsing response from server (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to CONNECT with proxy
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error trying to contact env endpoint (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to Get ACLK environment (cannot contact ENV endpoint)
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata INFO  : ACLK_MAIN : Wait before attempting to reconnect in 1.431 seconds
2023-10-31 14:49:03: netdata INFO  : MAIN : /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ 'INCOMPLETE_SHUTDOWN' '-' '-'
2023-10-31 14:49:03: netdata INFO  : P[proc] : Using now_boottime_usec() for uptime (dt is 9 ms)
2023-10-31 14:49:03: netdata LOG FLOOD PROTECTION too many logs (201 logs in 1 seconds, threshold is set to 200 logs in 1200 seconds). Preventing more logs from process 'netdata' for 1199 seconds.

I can’t figure out what is failing, what DNS application are they pointing to? apart from does it point to another?

Any information about the proxy server and it’s configuration? What is the actual proxy server SQUID, ntlm?

Maybe I can add log there
2023-10-31 14:49:02: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Expected response to start with "HTTP/1.1 " (errno 11, Resource temporarily unavailable)
to actually print what we received instead which could give us some hints.

Currently I can just see the proxy doesnt reply with HTTP/1.1 as expected but can’t tell why.

The type of proxy we use is “IP-based authentication proxy”

with telnet not working

I have enabled what is port 80 and 443 of the url, is it only that url to which the netdata app makes requests and those ports?

I attach more details of the system


netdata -W buildinfo

    Netdata Version ____________________________________________ : v1.43.2
    Installation Type __________________________________________ : oci
    Package Architecture _______________________________________ : x86_64
    Package Distro _____________________________________________ : unknown
    Configure Options __________________________________________ :  '--prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--with-math' '--with-user=netdata' '--without-bundled-protobuf' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-lto' '--disable-ebpf' 'CFLAGS=-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O2 -funroll-loops -pipe' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--gc-sections'
Default Directories:
    User Configurations ________________________________________ : /etc/netdata
    Stock Configurations _______________________________________ : /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
    Ephemeral Databases (metrics data, metadata) _______________ : /var/cache/netdata
    Permanent Databases ________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata
    Plugins ____________________________________________________ : /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d
    Static Web Files ___________________________________________ : /usr/share/netdata/web
    Log Files __________________________________________________ : /var/log/netdata
    Lock Files _________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata/lock
    Home _______________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata
Operating System:
    Kernel _____________________________________________________ : Linux
    Kernel Version _____________________________________________ : 4.18.0-348.12.2.el8_5.x86_64
    Operating System ___________________________________________ : Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Operating System ID ________________________________________ : rhel
    Operating System ID Like ___________________________________ : fedora
    Operating System Version ___________________________________ : 8.5 (Ootpa)
    Operating System Version ID ________________________________ : 3.18.4
    Detection __________________________________________________ : /host/etc/os-release
    CPU Cores __________________________________________________ : 8
    CPU Frequency ______________________________________________ : 3000000000
    CPU Architecture ___________________________________________ : 67240763392
    RAM Bytes __________________________________________________ : 1428076625920
    Disk Capacity ______________________________________________ : x86_64
    Virtualization Technology __________________________________ : vmware
    Virtualization Detection ___________________________________ : provided
    Container __________________________________________________ : docker
    Container Detection ________________________________________ : dockerenv
    Container Orchestrator _____________________________________ : none
    Container Operating System _________________________________ : Alpine Linux
    Container Operating System ID ______________________________ : alpine
    Container Operating System ID Like _________________________ : unknown
    Container Operating System Version _________________________ : unknown
    Container Operating System Version ID ______________________ : 3.18.4
    Container Operating System Detection _______________________ : /etc/os-release
    Built For __________________________________________________ : Linux
    Netdata Cloud ______________________________________________ : YES
    Health (trigger alerts and send notifications) _____________ : YES
    Streaming (stream metrics to parent Netdata servers) _______ : YES
    Replication (fill the gaps of parent Netdata servers) ______ : YES
    Streaming and Replication Compression ______________________ : YES (lz4)
    Contexts (index all active and archived metrics) ___________ : YES
    Tiering (multiple dbs with different metrics resolution) ___ : YES (5)
    Machine Learning ___________________________________________ : YES
Database Engines:
    dbengine ___________________________________________________ : YES
    alloc ______________________________________________________ : YES
    ram ________________________________________________________ : YES
    map ________________________________________________________ : YES
    save _______________________________________________________ : YES
    none _______________________________________________________ : YES
Connectivity Capabilities:
    ACLK (Agent-Cloud Link: MQTT over WebSockets over TLS) _____ : YES
    static (Netdata internal web server) _______________________ : YES
    h2o (web server) ___________________________________________ : NO
    WebRTC (experimental) ______________________________________ : NO
    Native HTTPS (TLS Support) _________________________________ : YES
    TLS Host Verification ______________________________________ : YES
    LZ4 (extremely fast lossless compression algorithm) ________ : YES
    zlib (lossless data-compression library) ___________________ : YES
    Judy (high-performance dynamic arrays and hashtables) ______ : YES (bundled)
    dlib (robust machine learning toolkit) _____________________ : YES (bundled)
    protobuf (platform-neutral data serialization protocol) ____ : YES (system)
    OpenSSL (cryptography) _____________________________________ : YES
    libdatachannel (stand-alone WebRTC data channels) __________ : NO
    JSON-C (lightweight JSON manipulation) _____________________ : YES
    libcap (Linux capabilities system operations) ______________ : NO
    libcrypto (cryptographic functions) ________________________ : YES
    libm (mathematical functions) ______________________________ : YES
    jemalloc ___________________________________________________ : NO
    TCMalloc ___________________________________________________ : NO
    apps (monitor processes) ___________________________________ : YES
    cgroups (monitor containers and VMs) _______________________ : YES
    cgroup-network (associate interfaces to CGROUPS) ___________ : YES
    proc (monitor Linux systems) _______________________________ : YES
    tc (monitor Linux network QoS) _____________________________ : YES
    diskspace (monitor Linux mount points) _____________________ : YES
    freebsd (monitor FreeBSD systems) __________________________ : NO
    macos (monitor MacOS systems) ______________________________ : NO
    statsd (collect custom application metrics) ________________ : YES
    timex (check system clock synchronization) _________________ : YES
    idlejitter (check system latency and jitter) _______________ : YES
    bash (support shell data collection jobs - charts.d) _______ : YES
    debugfs (kernel debugging metrics) _________________________ : YES
    cups (monitor printers and print jobs) _____________________ : NO
    ebpf (monitor system calls) ________________________________ : NO
    freeipmi (monitor enterprise server H/W) ___________________ : YES
    nfacct (gather netfilter accounting) _______________________ : NO
    perf (collect kernel performance events) ___________________ : YES
    slabinfo (monitor kernel object caching) ___________________ : YES
    Xen ________________________________________________________ : NO
    Xen VBD Error Tracking _____________________________________ : NO
    AWS Kinesis ________________________________________________ : NO
    GCP PubSub _________________________________________________ : NO
    MongoDB ____________________________________________________ : YES
    Prometheus (OpenMetrics) Exporter __________________________ : YES
    Prometheus Remote Write ____________________________________ : YES
    Graphite ___________________________________________________ : YES
    Graphite HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
    JSON _______________________________________________________ : YES
    JSON HTTP / HTTPS __________________________________________ : YES
    OpenTSDB ___________________________________________________ : YES
    OpenTSDB HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
    All Metrics API ____________________________________________ : YES
    Shell (use metrics in shell scripts) _______________________ : YES
Debug/Developer Features:
    Trace All Netdata Allocations (with charts) ________________ : NO
    Developer Mode (more runtime checks, slower) _______________ : NO

I did a test by removing the proxy from the netdata.conf file. and I get these errors:

2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to connect to '', port '443' (errno 111, Connection refused)
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to connect to '', port '443' (errno 111, Connection refused)
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to connect to '', port '443' (errno 111, Connection refused)
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error connecting TCP socket to ""
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error trying to contact env endpoint (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to Get ACLK environment (cannot contact ENV endpoint)
2023-11-03 17:28:20: netdata INFO  : ACLK_MAIN : Wait before attempting to reconnect in 1.714 seconds

but if I put it in the .conf file
proxy = http://************:8080

2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Expected response to start with "HTTP/1.1 " (errno 11, Resource temporarily unavailable)
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error parsing HTTP response
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error reading or parsing response from server (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to CONNECT with proxy
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Error trying to contact env endpoint (errno 22, Invalid argument)
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata ERROR : ACLK_MAIN : Failed to Get ACLK environment (cannot contact ENV endpoint)
2023-11-03 17:31:31: netdata INFO  : ACLK_MAIN : Wait before attempting to reconnect in 1.564 seconds

something new?
thank you

Same problem.

Sniffer shows HTTP CONNECT message without “Host” header. Nginx proxy reply 400 “Bad Request”.

Netdata agent MUST include Host header in CONNECT request message.

Fix please.

@ars hey, thanks. Fixed in Include the Host in the HTTP header by stelfrag · Pull Request #17670 · netdata/netdata · GitHub.

@ilyam8 hey, another problem after checks v1.45.5

CONNECT to is correct now. Thanks!
But CONNECT to not fixed :frowning:

Thanks for reporting it @ars , we confirm the issue and are working on a fix Include the Host in the HTTP header (mqtt) by stelfrag · Pull Request #17731 · netdata/netdata · GitHub

The mentioned PR is merged and the fix is available on the latest nightly release.

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Thanks! Works great!