Hi Odysseas
Since it’s a huge file. Here is the relevant section on the master collator side for the netdata.conf file
run as user = netdata
history = 3996
process scheduling policy = idle
OOM score = 1000
stock config directory = /etc/netdata/conf.d
# glibc malloc arena max for plugins = 1
# glibc malloc arena max for netdata = 1
# hostname = removed.by.author
# update every = 1
# config directory = /etc/netdata
# log directory = /var/log/netdata
# web files directory = /usr/share/netdata/web
# cache directory = /var/cache/netdata
# lib directory = /var/lib/netdata
# home directory = /var/log/netdata
# lock directory = /var/lib/netdata/lock
# plugins directory = "/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d" "/etc/netdata/custom-plugins.d"
# memory mode = dbengine
# page cache size = 32
# dbengine disk space = 256
# dbengine multihost disk space = 256
# host access prefix =
# memory deduplication (ksm) = yes
# TZ environment variable = :/etc/localtime
# timezone = Australia/Melbourne
# debug flags = 0x0000000000000000
# debug log = /var/log/netdata/debug.log
# error log = /var/log/netdata/error.log
# access log = /var/log/netdata/access.log
# facility log = daemon
# errors flood protection period = 1200
# errors to trigger flood protection = 200
# pthread stack size = 8388608
# cleanup obsolete charts after seconds = 3600
# gap when lost iterations above = 1
# cleanup orphan hosts after seconds = 3600
# delete obsolete charts files = yes
# delete orphan hosts files = yes
# enable zero metrics = no
web files owner = root
web files group = netdata
bind to =
# ssl key = /etc/netdata/ssl/key.pem
# ssl certificate = /etc/netdata/ssl/cert.pem
# tls version = 1.3
# tls ciphers = none
# ses max window = 15
# des max window = 15
# mode = static-threaded
# listen backlog = 4096
# default port = 19999
# disconnect idle clients after seconds = 60
# timeout for first request = 60
# accept a streaming request every seconds = 0
# respect do not track policy = no
# x-frame-options response header =
# allow connections from = localhost *
# allow connections by dns = heuristic
# allow dashboard from = localhost *
# allow dashboard by dns = heuristic
# allow badges from = *
# allow badges by dns = heuristic
# allow streaming from = *
# allow streaming by dns = heuristic
# allow netdata.conf from = localhost fd* 10.* 192.168.* 172.16.* 172.17.* 172.18.* 172.19.* 172.20.* 172.21.* 172.22.* 172.23.* 172.24.* 172.25.* 172.26.* 172.27.* 172.28.* 172.29.* 172.30.* 172.31.* UNKNOWN
# allow netdata.conf by dns = no
# allow management from = localhost
# allow management by dns = heuristic
# enable gzip compression = yes
# gzip compression strategy = default
# gzip compression level = 3
# web server threads = 6
# web server max sockets = 256
And this is from the stream.conf file
# Enable this on child nodes, to have them send metrics.
enabled = no
# Where is the receiving netdata?
# A space separated list of:
# If many are given, the first available will get the metrics.
# PROTOCOL = tcp, udp, or unix (only tcp and unix are supported by parent nodes)
# HOST = an IPv4, IPv6 IP, or a hostname, or a unix domain socket path.
# IPv6 IPs should be given with brackets [ip:address]
# INTERFACE = the network interface to use (only for IPv6)
# PORT = the port number or service name (/etc/services)
# SSL = when this word appear at the end of the destination string
# the Netdata will encrypt the connection with the parent.
# This communication is not HTTP (it cannot be proxied by web proxies).
destination =
# Skip Certificate verification?
# The netdata child is configurated to avoid invalid SSL/TLS certificate,
# so certificates that are self-signed or expired will stop the streaming.
# Case the server certificate is not valid, you can enable the use of
# 'bad' certificates setting the next option as 'yes'.
#ssl skip certificate verification = yes
# Certificate Authority Path
# OpenSSL has a default directory where the known certificates are stored,
# case it is necessary it is possible to change this rule using the variable
# "CApath"
#CApath = /etc/ssl/certs/
# Certificate Authority file
# When the Netdata parent has certificate, that is not recognized as valid,
# we can add this certificate in the list of known certificates in CApath
# and give for Netdata as argument.
#CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem
# The API_KEY to use (as the sender)
api key =
# The timeout to connect and send metrics
timeout seconds = 60
# If the destination line above does not specify a port, use this
default port = 19999
# filter the charts to be streamed
# - space separated list of patterns (use \ to include spaces in patterns)
# - use * as wildcard, any number of times within each pattern
# - prefix a pattern with ! for a negative match (ie not stream the charts it matches)
# - the order of patterns is important (left to right)
# To send all except a few, use: !this !that * (ie append a wildcard pattern)
send charts matching = *
# The buffer to use for sending metrics.
# 1MB is good for 10-20 seconds of data, so increase this if you expect latencies.
# The buffer is flushed on reconnects (this will not prevent gaps at the charts).
buffer size bytes = 1048576
# If the connection fails, or it disconnects,
# retry after that many seconds.
reconnect delay seconds = 5
# Sync the clock of the charts for that many iterations, when starting.
initial clock resync iterations = 60
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can have one API key per child,
# or the same API key for all child nodes.
# netdata searches for options in this order:
# a) parent netdata settings (netdata.conf)
# b) [stream] section (above)
# c) [API_KEY] section (below, settings for the API key)
# d) [MACHINE_GUID] section (below, settings for each machine)
# You can combine the above (the more specific setting will be used).
# API key authentication
# If the key is not listed here, it will not be able to push metrics.
# [API_KEY] is [YOUR-API-KEY], i.e [11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555]
enabled = yes
allow from =
default history = 3600
default memory mode = ram
health enabled by default = auto
default postpone alarms on connect seconds = 60
Then on the client sending its data
From stream.conf
# Enable this on child nodes, to have them send metrics.
enabled = yes
# Where is the receiving netdata?
# A space separated list of:
# If many are given, the first available will get the metrics.
# PROTOCOL = tcp, udp, or unix (only tcp and unix are supported by parent nodes)
# HOST = an IPv4, IPv6 IP, or a hostname, or a unix domain socket path.
# IPv6 IPs should be given with brackets [ip:address]
# INTERFACE = the network interface to use (only for IPv6)
# PORT = the port number or service name (/etc/services)
# SSL = when this word appear at the end of the destination string
# the Netdata will encrypt the connection with the parent.
# This communication is not HTTP (it cannot be proxied by web proxies).
destination =
# Skip Certificate verification?
# The netdata child is configurated to avoid invalid SSL/TLS certificate,
# so certificates that are self-signed or expired will stop the streaming.
# Case the server certificate is not valid, you can enable the use of
# 'bad' certificates setting the next option as 'yes'.
#ssl skip certificate verification = yes
# Certificate Authority Path
# OpenSSL has a default directory where the known certificates are stored,
# case it is necessary it is possible to change this rule using the variable
# "CApath"
#CApath = /etc/ssl/certs/
# Certificate Authority file
# When the Netdata parent has certificate, that is not recognized as valid,
# we can add this certificate in the list of known certificates in CApath
# and give for Netdata as argument.
#CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem
# The API_KEY to use (as the sender)
api key = e7772f6c-06e2-4cc2-b003-5d9164c60a1f
# The timeout to connect and send metrics
timeout seconds = 60
# If the destination line above does not specify a port, use this
default port = 19999
# filter the charts to be streamed
# - space separated list of patterns (use \ to include spaces in patterns)
# - use * as wildcard, any number of times within each pattern
# - prefix a pattern with ! for a negative match (ie not stream the charts it matches)
# - the order of patterns is important (left to right)
# To send all except a few, use: !this !that * (ie append a wildcard pattern)
send charts matching = *
# The buffer to use for sending metrics.
# 1MB is good for 10-20 seconds of data, so increase this if you expect latencies.
# The buffer is flushed on reconnects (this will not prevent gaps at the charts).
buffer size bytes = 1048576
# If the connection fails, or it disconnects,
# retry after that many seconds.
reconnect delay seconds = 5
# Sync the clock of the charts for that many iterations, when starting.
initial clock resync iterations = 60
And it’s netdata.conf
run as user = netdata
memory mode = none
# the default database size - 1 hour
history = 3600
# some defaults to run netdata with least priority
process scheduling policy = idle
OOM score = 1000
web files owner = root
web files group = netdata
mode = none
# by default do not expose the netdata port
bind to =