Can I set the min and max value of Gauge and Circle graphs in the Dashboard ?


There are some graphs that have definite min and max values, e.g., CPU utility percentage (min: 0% max: 100%), system memory (min: 0MB max: total memory installed on the server). But I find the gauge and circle graphs in the Dashboard can not set the min and max values. At present, the min and max values of gauge and circle graphs are automatically captured within a time range.

Relevant docs you followed/actions you took to solve the issue


Environment/Browser/Agent’s version etc

Dashboard in the netdata cloud

What I expected to happen

Allow the user to manually set the min and max values of gauge and circle graphs in the Dashboard. :blush:


Thanks for raising this, atm this isn’t possible.

We have this FR in our roadmap that is somehow related to this [Feat]: ability to customize chart y-axis min and max values · Issue #845 · netdata/netdata-cloud · GitHub - we don’t have yet a planned date for it.