Can I use this to send error logs / information logs from my mobile application using a simple API


Im new here.

Can i use this netdata, to log errors from mobile application through some REST api ?

My scenario: Whenever my mobile application crashes, it will call a REST api. and this REST api should log error and these details can be rendered in a dashbaord.

Hi @ananth-minions

to log errors from mobile application through some REST api

What you have described doesn’t look like a use case for Netdata.

and these details can be rendered in a dashbaord.

That is closer. You can write a simple collector - it parses the file and pushes the metrics to the netdata daemon. You can write the collector in python.

@ilyam8 would a python collector be able to spawn a thread that creates a simple HTTP API endpoint (e.g using fastAPI)?

I am not sure how the blocking/non-blocking thing would work.

To be fair, I would also check an influxDB-Grafana setup. You can easily push your data to influxdb through their API and then visualize them with Grafana.