Im getting these specific error on two of my machines. This machines have Ubuntu. Netdata is also not starting in the server.
This is the error Im getting from the logs.
Im getting these specific error on two of my machines. This machines have Ubuntu. Netdata is also not starting in the server.
This is the error Im getting from the logs.
Did you try restarting the Netdata agent?
sudo service netdata restart
(or equivalent command in your system)
Yes. Actually the second screenhot I sent is the error when restarting the netdata agent.
your problem seem not to be the claiming (which was successful) but agent fails to start with FATAL error:
Cannot change directory to '/etc/netdata' # : Permission denied
seems to be the actual issue.
What is your install method?
The installation method is the default one using the kick start script.
The OS is Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.
Hi @jerometeano . As @underhood said, there seems to be some problem with the installation.
Can you try please to run kickstart again using the parameter --reinstall
On the default kick start script Im using, Im also adding these parameters as per our guidelines. Do I need to remove these or just continue and add the --reinstall parameter only? Thank you.
parameters used:
–no-updates --stable-channel --disable-telemetry
@jerometeano that should be OK as you claimed it before already. Is the agent able to run though after the reinstall?
Im getting the same error as earlier. The netdata service cannot start. Also, netdata directory in /var/log is not updating on the machine.
Needed follow up on this. Thank you.
I can see that the timestamp of netdata.conf is older even though Im doing a fresh install.
This is resolved. I did the manual install of netdata from Git. I just want to know what’s the main difference between the kick start script and the manual install from git? Thank you.
May I know the difference between the kick start script and the manual install from git checkout? Thanks
In the images you shared I don’t see the kickstart command. Note that you shouldn’t run it with sudo
and don’t need to be root. The errors I see seem to have something to do with permissions. Please show the entire command.
You shouldn’t need to run yourself. The kickstart command has options for that, you can just copy it from within your cloud space and append to it the additional options you want.
You shouldn’t be sharing publicly your tokens. I suggest you create a new space and delete the old one, to invalidate the token that was shared above.
The main differences between kickstart and manual installation are: