Customize View of agent main page

After about 6 weeks of using a netdata agent, I’ll venture a small suggestion, maybe it already works anyway and I just haven’t discovered the option.

I use netdata both privately and professionally.
Therefore I have an admittedly a comfort problem.
Privately I use only one agent, I play with some options, but also use for my own rootserver.
If I accidentally click on “nodes” in the private agent, I am immediately connected to the professional cloud. This is suboptimal.
I wish I could hide the “Discover the free benefits of Netdata Cloud” link bar.
I understand it’s a “click bait” for using the cloud version, but it would be nice to be able to optionally turn it off.
Oh and while I’m at it: In the cloud I can search for charts in the right column, I miss that in the agent.
I hope I have expressed my request in an understandable way.

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Hi @Bernd

Thanks for the feedback - we are planning on updating this soon (agent dashboard) and i think as part of that these issues should go away.

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