filter prometheus metrics to only get cgroup chart metrics

I’m following the instructions below to filter metrics that are exported. Unfortunately i haven’t been able to filter metrics that start with cgroup.* I just want some cgroup metrics to be exported (like cpu and memory for pods). Anyone know how you can filter them?

Chart filtering

Netdata can filter metrics, to send only a subset of the collected metrics. You can use the configuration file

[prometheus:exporter]    send charts matching = system.*

Hi @data-smith, it seems you’ve identified the relevant config option and know the charts you need to filter. Could you please elaborate on the specific issue you’re encountering? Did you try send charts matching = cgroup*?

I just tried cgroup* and that works but cgroup.* didn’t. I guess for regex you don’t need the period.
Much better. Thanks!

It is not a regular expression but Netdata’s simple pattern.

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