Manual delete a server


Is there any way to set manually the server offline so I can delete from the nodes?

Kind regards,


Hi. Do you mean how to remove a stale child node from a parent node?

Hi. No parent node. I have just 3 nodes that the servers do not exist anymore and I don’t have access. I need to remove them from Netdata but the recycle bin icon is disabled because the node needs to be offline.

How I can set it offline and delete it?

I think it is not possible if the node is still connected.

the servers do not exist anymore

What do you mean by “not exist anymore”? If it would be the case the node’d be offline.

I mean that the server is decommissioned and formatted. How is it possible to be connected?

the recycle bin icon is disabled because the node needs to be offline

Could you clarify its current status? I had assumed it was connected since you mentioned it wasn’t offline