NETDATA doesn't work in PFsense 2.6.0

I just installed netdata on PFsense 2.6.0. The service is running, but when I try to open http://:19999 it doesn’t show anything.

[2.6.0-RELEASE][]/root: service netdata onestart netdata already running? (pid=45774 45847).


The answer in that forum isn’t very nice, is it? I hope we’ll do a better job at this. Although we don’t officially support PFsense, we get enough queries about Netdata there that it may make sense for us (or someone from the community) to dive a bit deeper.

Will invite a couple of people to the conversation.

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Hey there! We will explore proper pfSense support since it’s not something trivial. Of course, we will also engage and work with pfSense community. Stay tuned, we will provide more updates soon about our developments!


Anyone have a solution to this? I just updated pfsense and had this “good” news.
i will format my system and try to packages from python 3.8… hope i get this work again.