Remove all Alert dyncfg

How can we remove all dyncfg from the Netdata UI? We have moved all alert adjustments to git for version control and would like to remove all dyncfg to resolve potential conflicts.

  • Select “Dynamic configuration” in the filter.
  • Select all alerts.
  • Click Delete (bin icon).


Unfortunately this doesn’t work. See images. Also how do we execute this for all nodes at once (there are hundreds).


@Slind14 That is a bug. We will fix it.

The workaround is to remove them manually:

  • remove health dyncfg configs:
# as root
rm /var/lib/netdata/config/health*

# or if your Netdata installed in /opt
rm /opt/netdata/var/lib/netdata/config/health*
  • restart Netdata
systemctl restart netdata